COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, May 15, 2020

From Japan to US, pandemic 'exit plans' take shape
Japan, its Asian neighbours, European countries and the U.S. are all looking to carve their own unique paths toward the same destination -- an exit from the coronavi....

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, May 14, 2020

China refuses to give up developing country status in WTO
Despite the Trump administration's strong protests against China's unfair trading advantages in the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Chinese representative ....

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, May 5, 2020

Coronavirus disproportionately affects women's health, finances
Among the clichéd role stereotypes, is that women are more responsible for children and the household, and perhaps care for older family members as well....

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, April 27, 2020

IMF, WTO Urge Caution on Export Restrictions
The International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization warned on April 24 that export restrictions on medical supplies and food "can be dangerously counterproduct....

Fallout of COVID-19: Japanese and Koreans to shift base from China to India

The outbreak of the deadly coronavirus in the Chinese city of Wuhan has dramatically altered the social, political and economic lives of millions in as many as 205 countries. No one can even hazard a guess the kind of life th....

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, April 1, 2020

Smart Thermometers Track the Spread of Coronavirus in US
The company, Kinsa Health, which produces internet-connected thermometers, created a US national map of fever levels on March 22. Kinsa thermometers connect to ....

After Withdrawing from RCEP What Next?

… should other members of RCEP be more accommodative towards India’s needs, and signal their willingness to discuss a win-win deal for India, that should be welcome ... the decision to join should be based primarily on whether it can significantl....

Priority issues for India in External Trade

Four broad concerns capture the current context surrounding India’s external trade. First is our sluggish export performance for the last several years owing to global slowdown and also due to our declining competitiveness. With a share of 1.65 per....

Conference on ‘Enhancing India-Africa Cooperation’

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organised a Conference on ‘Enhancing India-Africa Cooperation’ as a bilateral initiative with an objective to enhance growth and connectivity between India and Africa. The Conference was divided into....

Interaction with Dr Ying Rong, on "Global and Regional Environment and India-China Relations"

The Vivekananda International Foundation hosted Dr Ying Rong, Vice President and Senior Research Fellow, China Institute of International Studies (CIIS), China, for an interaction on Sino-Indian relations. Dr Arvind Gupta delivered the opening remark....

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