Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor, 23 August - 29 August 2021

US regulators target oil and gas mergers as fuel prices surge
The Federal Trade Commission is examining ways to crack down on mergers and acquisitions in the oil and gas industry and investigate whether gas station franch....

China’s Vaccine Diplomacy in Southeast Asia

The COVID-19 pandemic has unleashed power play amongst nations. The first year of the COVID-19 pandemic saw a race of sorts to provide essential medical supplies and in the second year, a competition for vaccines is underway. Vaccine diplomacy, as it....

Myanmar Round Up: July 2021

During the month, Myanmar faced a double crisis - political turmoil and COVID-19. The country’s health care system has collapsed, and the number of cases reported is vastly underestimated because of limited testing. At an informal Security Council ....

West Asia Experts Group Meeting

The West Asia Experts Group Meeting was virtually held on 4 August 2021 by the Vivekananda International Foundation, the discussion was focussed on India-Turkey Relations; Turkey’s Foreign Policy and its Regional role. The key speakers in the se....

Regional Cooperation in BIMSTEC in Post-COVID-19 World

The Bay of Bengal region is home to roughly 1.6 billion people, around 23% of the world population. The COVID-19 crisis has hit each individual and economy in the world. Join Dr. Prabir De and Cchavi Vasisht in this podcast to discuss the prospects ....

War, Olympics and Nationalism

Finally the Tokyo Olympics 2020 are off to a grand start with a spectacular show of opening ceremony that lasted for three hours as the grandest show on earth that the human history has ever seen. Since then the event has been a centerpiece of televi....

Japan’s Defence White Paper 2021: China Riled by Mention of Taiwan Strait

On 13 July 2021, Japan issued the 2021 Defense White Paper. One significant mention for the first time is the need to maintain stability in the Taiwan Strait, which is threatened by increasing Chinese military incursions on the Taiwanese waters. The ....

Why it is Important for Japan to hold Olympic Games 2021

Had it not been for the COVID-19 and Abe Shizo’s ill health, Tokyo Olympic 20201 would have been a crowning glory on the political career of modern Japan’s most consequential Prime Minister. Alas! That was not to be. Showcasing Japan a....

Myanmar Round Up: June 2021

According to the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED), a non-profit venture that tracks conflict, some 58 defence forces have been formed across the country. The announcement of the ceasefire by the military was mere eyewash as the ....

150-Days of Political Crises: A Setback to Democracy in Myanmar

It has been 150 days since the Myanmar military challenged the 2020 élections and took over its hegemonic shape on 01 February 2021. The political crisis has led to a humanitarian crisis in the country. The progress seen in the democratic process si....

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