An Assessment of China’s 13th National People’s Congress – May 2020’

Modi Calls upon the Indian Industry to ‘Think Big’ and Help Build Aatmanirbhar Bharat

Speaking at the 125th Annual Session of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Prime Minister Narendra Modi called upon the Indian industry to take advantage of the unprecedented opportunities thrown up by the Covid-19 crisis and help build a st....

Mission Aatmanirbhar Bharat: Decoding Self-Reliance and Charting the Road to Recovery

This article is based on the inputs and views of notable experts from Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF), expressed in a webinar organised by the VIF on May 25, 2020. The esteemed panel was modera....

Pakistan Study Group Report: April 2020

A meeting of the Pakistan Study Group was held via video conferencing on 29 April 2020. The main items on the agenda were the COVID-19 situation in Pakistan and China-Pakistan relations.

COVID-19 Situation in Pakistan
Impact on C....

Leveraging COVID-19 for a Better Tomorrow

As we are about to enter lockdown 4.0 it is an opportune moment to evaluate how India has handled the Covid-19 challenge so far, to assess the evolving situation both in terms of the progression of the disease and its ramifications, and to contemplat....

Preparing for A Post-Corona World

The Novel Coronavirus has not only taken over the year 2020, it will have ramifications for decades to come. Changes to societal norms and developmental priorities, and de-globalisation forces gaining momentum are just some of the expected uncertaint....

Strong Cooperation between Nepal and India Needed to Win War against Coronavirus

The Global Impact
Never before in the history of mankind, the entire globe was affected as much by any event as coronavirus pandemic, called COVID-19. Not even World War I or World War II had made so much of impact as this pandemic has do....

COVID-19 aftermath: An agenda for QUAD

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the entire world. Once the world has overcome the pandemic, a lot of rethinking is likely to occur in global politics. Countries had always emphasised cooperation in their foreign policies. The present crisis has....

Lockdown 2.0: Focus will shift to restarting the economy

With the Prime Minister’s announcement of the extension of the lockdown until May 3, 2020, anxieties about the depth and coverage of the coronavirus pandemic in India have deepened. The Prime Minister was categorical in stating that the lockdown en....

Global Impact of Covid-19 Crisis

Covid-19 is the first full-blown crisis of a hyper-connected world. It arose as the local outbreak in China at Wuhan city, and within a few weeks, it had spread all across the world. More than a million Corona positive cases have been noticed and mor....

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