South Korea
South Korea’s Success in Manufacturing: Some Pointers for ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’

The people and government of India are striving to achieve national objectives of ‘Make in India’ and raise the contribution of manufacturing in the country’s GDP from the current 16% to 25% by the year 2025. In the context of the debilitating ....

Fallout of COVID-19: Japanese and Koreans to shift base from China to India

The outbreak of the deadly coronavirus in the Chinese city of Wuhan has dramatically altered the social, political and economic lives of millions in as many as 205 countries. No one can even hazard a guess the kind of life th....

Indo-Pacific meeting on COVID-19

On 20th of March a teleconference was held amongst some countries of the Indo-Pacific on the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting was called by US and the participating countries included India, Japan, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand and Vietnam. The o....

Review of Japan 2019 and Outlook for 2020

2019 was an eventful year for Japan in both national and international domains. From an imperial transition to being the G20 Chair, to major trade agreements and the deadly Typhoon Hagibis, the year was filled with its share of ups and downs for Japa....

Mongolia’s Buddhist Diplomacy and India’s Union of Religious and Foreign Policy

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF), along with Indian, Japanese, and Mongolian partners, hosted its third Samvad (which, in Hindi, means “dialogue”) conference in Ulaanbaatar over last Friday and the weekend. As reported in BDG’s ne....

Interaction with Delegation from the Institute of National Security Strategy, South Korea

The interaction was focused on India-South Korea bilateral relations and the uncertainty in the regional security architecture. Criticality of the Korean Peninsula in stabilizing the Northeast Asian order, dichotomy between the peace and denucleariza....

Interaction with Institute of Democracy

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) hosted an interaction with a senior delegation from the Institute of Democracy, South Korea, on November 22, 2018. The delegation was led by the director, Mr. Kim Minseok, who was formerly a member of th....

Commentary: North Korea Takes Advantage of Flags of Convenience Regime

Amid high decibel ‘verbal exchanges’ between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un over latter’s nuclear ambition, the United Nations Security Council announced on 22 December 2017 new economic sanctions against Democrat....

Nuclear Sabre-rattling: Pakistan must Discard its Tactical Nuclear Weapons

“Any nuclear weapon, of any quality, mode of delivery or yield, used against any type of target, will result in a strategic impact to which the logical response would be the use of nuclear weapons, more often than not, on an overwhelming....

Visit of a South Korean Delegation

The VIF, on 20 April 2017, hosted a six-member delegation from the Policy Planning Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of South Korea (ROK), to a bilateral interaction, encompassing a broad range of issues of mutual interests - econom....

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