J & K- Less War, More Peace: An Assessment of the Year after the Decisions of 5 August 2019

On 5 Aug 2019 India stunned the world, and perhaps itself, with decisions regarding the constitutional exclusivity attached to the erstwhile state of Jammu & Kashmir (J&K). These were related to abrogation of Articles 370 and 35A of the Indian Consti....

Pakistan Stock Exchange Attack— BLA’s Thwarted Attempt

“You can't keep snakes in your backyard and expect them only to bite your neighbours. You know, eventually, those snakes are going to turn on whoever has them in the backyard.”

July 15, 2020 Neighbourhood Studies , Pakistan , Article , Pakistan , China , Iran , Afghanistan , Terrorism , CPEC , Balochistan , Sindh , Baluchistan , BLA , Karachi , PSE , StockExchange

How Sport Mirrors the India- Pakistan Relationship

Sport is complex. As well as being skill, it is also diplomacy. Skills matter, but it is “grievance sport,” when players seek to avenge history, that counts. For example, India and Pakistan are unable to delink personal pieties from inter- state ....

Kashmir - Is the Time Ripe for a New Outreach Strategy?

India’s historic move on August 5, 2019, heralded a new era in Jammu and Kashmir, a state which witnessed an uncertain political status and 30 years of Pak-sponsored Jihadist militancy. Before the abrogation of article 370, the normal life had come....

Notes from the Sub-continent – May 2020

In this latest compilation of some of the big ideas being debated in the media across the Indian sub-continent, we start with Bangladesh, where the people had to deal with a super cyclone even as they struggled to cope with the novel coronavirus pand....

Truth vs. Reality: Unshackling the Burdens of Intrigue in Kashmir

Truthful journalism is the bulwark that makes democracies work by fulfilling the people’s right to information. This statement cannot be faulted, but there is a less comfortable truth that operates in tandem here, especially when it comes to media ....

IS Pakistan Losing the COVID-19 Battle?

While the entire world is grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic, Pakistan’s handling of the crisis raises fears that if it does not get its act together quickly, it may be at risk of losing the battle. The numbers of positive cases as of 20 Ma....

Pakistan Study Group Report: April 2020

A meeting of the Pakistan Study Group was held via video conferencing on 29 April 2020. The main items on the agenda were the COVID-19 situation in Pakistan and China-Pakistan relations.

COVID-19 Situation in Pakistan
Impact on C....

India’s Ocean- The story of India’s bid for regional leadership by David Brewster, New York: Routledge, 2014. pp228. ISBN- 978-0-415-52059-1

Indian Ocean is of critical importance to India. The Indian peninsula juts out into the Indian Ocean. In fact, this is the only ocean in the world that is named after a country. The 21st century is a maritime century; therefore, the significance of ....

Tale of Panchatantra and The Wuhan Virus | A Poem

Getting the right perspective when Such pandemic starts to unfold, Of Elephant and the blind men Is tale that needs to be retold. How leaders felt the pachyderm In parts but could not see the whole, And let this deadly Chinese germ I....

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