SCO is a platform for India to remain relevant in Eurasia

Prime Minister Narendra Modi hosted the 23rd summit of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) on 4th July 2023 in a virtual format. This concluded India’s first-ever presidency of the SCO. The baton was passed ....

Prime Minister Modi’s Visit to Egypt

Prime Minister Modi concluded a two-day visit to Egypt on 24-25th June. The last visit at the prime minister’s level from India to that country took place 26 years ago in 1997. The visit is an important initiative to fill up the hiatus in engagemen....

Recalling the pre-March 24, 1940 Idea of India

But answers to such questions, important as they are, will hardly capture the deeper vision that underlies Modi’s Sengol mission. Why did Narendra Modi choose to recall the August 14-15, 1947 midnight history of Sengol now? Why did he time it....

Sengol – Obliterate history, deny after discovery

"The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history,” said George Orwell. The latest Indian example of how Orwell’s dictum works is the obliteration of the Sengol ceremony from the history ....

Indian Prime Ministers and Engagement with the U.S. Congress

On June 22, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will enter the Chamber of the House of Representatives on the Capitol Hill, to record a rare distinction. He will be joining a handful of world leaders who addressed the Joint Sitting of the United States Cong....

Manipur Ethnic Clashes: Maintenance of Law and Order and Deployment of Army Columns

Dominant or major communities agitating for redressing their grievances, is not uncommon in India. Even before the ongoing Meitei-Kuki agitation in Manipur, Jats in Haryana, Patidars in Gujarat, and Marathas in Maharashtra have protested for varied i....

Critical Gaps in Atmanirbhar India

Atmanirbhar Bharat requires much more than just local sourcing- and that local sourcing itself is a function of availability of indigenous technology. This remains the most critical gap in the realization of Atmanirbharta which is so necessary....

World Environment Day: Sustainable Lifestyle is the Key to Protect Our Environment

Every year, the world celebrates “World Environment Day” on 5th June. Led by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), it is the largest global platform for environmental public outreach and is celebrated by millions of people across the....

Panjwar’s Killing in Pakistan and Future of the KCF

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