Why China is an Economic Landmine

‘And China has deep pockets’ is a guaranteed statement one gets to hear in every seminar or discussion on China. But despite its moneyed and lucrative hues, many questions arise. How is China an economic behemoth, when economists and Chinese poli....

Myanmar Round Up: September 2020

Myanmar entered a second wave of COVID-19 as the active cases reported as on 30 September 2020 are 12,427, and deaths reported are 284. The outbreak intensified since mid-August, and the maximum cases are reported from Yangon, Mandalay and Rakhine st....

US-China: Moving Towards War or Cut-Throat Competition?

This paper explores the realm of the brewing competition between the US and China, which can easily escalate to military confrontation. India has been forced to make choices away from its long-held belief in hedging and non-allia....

Pakistan: Civil-Military Relations1

Whatever be the constitutional position, one thing is clear that in the final analysis, political sovereignty in Pakistan resides … where the coercive power resides… which is the ultimate authority in the decision-making process in Pakistan. T....

How Turkey Succumbed to China on the Uighur issue?

“We have kin in every corner in the world. From the Balkans to Central Asia, from Crimea to North Africa. All incidents, which take place in every single region, directly concern us. So claims about China’s pressure on our siblings in the Xinj....

अयोध्या में राम मंदिर: नेपाल के हिंदुओं ने कैसे मनाया इसका जश्न?

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने 5 अगस्त, 2020 को उत्तर प्रदेश की अयोध्या नगरी में राम मंदिर के निर्मा�....

West Asia Roundup September 2020

Jordan was the last Arab country in 1994 to have normalised relations with Israel. Even though over the years Israel has tried to informally engage with the Arabs especially GCC countries the formalisation of relations w....

Gandhi’s Contemporary Relevance

Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869. It is remarkable that even after 150 years people read and study Gandhi in the hope that they will find answers to contemporary problems. This is testimony to the universalism of Gandhi’s ideas. On Gandhi Jay....

China's Debt Trap in Central Asia

Chinese interest in Central Asia is multifold. Firstly to secure its northwestern region of Xinjiang, which shares a direct border with three Central Asian countries; Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. Xinjiang is home to....

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