Book Reviews
India’s National Defence; Gautam Banerjee, Pentagon Press, New Delhi, 2017, pp 278, INR 995

Book Review

The book India’s National Defence defines India’s Defence Reforms and Military Modernisation which it must undertake to meet the strategic challenges of the 21st Century. The book lucidly brings out India’s inability to optimise its military success...

The New Arthashastra, Ed Gurmeet Kanwal, Harper Collins Publishers, Noida (Uttar Pradesh), 2016, pp 436, INR 799

Book Review

The Arthashastra is an insight into the political thoughts of Kautilya. The book was written around 250 BCE. The most interesting idea presented in the book is the Mandala theory of interstate relations. Mandala represents the universe and our own...

Review Essay: ‘Deadly Impasse: Indo-Pakistani Relations at the Dawn of a New Century’, Dr Sumit Ganguly

Book Review

The terrorist attack at an army camp in Uri in mid-September 2016 was followed by several surgical strikes across the Line of Control (LoC) by the Special Forces of the Indian Army. Since then, India-Pakistan relations have deteriorated steadily and...

At the Center of The Storm- My Years at the CIA by George Tenet, Former Director CIA & The Great War of Our Time- the CIA’s Fight Against Terrorism- From al Qaida to ISIS by Michael Morell, Former Dy. Director CIA

Book Review

These two books paint a contemporaneous picture of the CIA’s fight against Islamic terrorism. George Tenet was the Director, CIA from 1997 to 2004, having the unique distinction of serving two Presidents, Clinton and Bush. While Tenet was inducted...

Modi and the World: The Ring View Inside Out; Ed. by Yamini Chowdhury and Anusua Diya Chowdhury; Bloomsbury Publishers; New Delhi; Pages 317; Price Rs. 499

Book Review

Two years two months, 51 foreign trips on six of the seven continents of the world which covered 42 countries and included UN General Assembly meetings and scores of multilateral engagements; the debutant Prime Minister Narendra Modi has stirred the...

Half Lion: How PV Narasimha Rao Transformed India; Vinay Sitapati; Penguin Viking Books

Book Review

When Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao became the country’s Prime Minister, he came with few expectations. His track record as Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh (then undivided) and many years later as Union Cabinet Minister was mediocre. The party...

Bangladesh Migrants: A Threat to India; P K Mishra; Gyan Publishing House; PP 304; Price Rs 910

Book Review

A Diligent Field Report on Illegal Migration and its Impact on India’s Unity and Integrity Bangladesh Migrants: A Threat to india by Mr. Pavas Kumar Mishra , retired Additional Director-General of the Border Security Force, is a rare book that...

Reaping the Whirlwind; Michael Griffin; Pluto Press; PP 283; Price: Rs 1834

Book Review

Afghanistan 2014: Forward to the Past? This is not a recent book, comparatively speaking; it was published in 2001, but remains topical. It covers the rise of the Taliban in the mid- to late-1990’s, and examines the main actors in the rise of this...

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