Prof. Debasis Bhattacharya, Ph.D. from the University of Oregon USA, is Professor of Economics and International Relations in IILM University Gurugram. He is a global author and policy analyst. He has participated as Session Chair and paper presenter in several national and international conferences held in India and the USA. Bhattacharya’s book (co-authored) with title: “GST and Its Aftermath: Is Consumer Really the King?”, and published by SAGE Publications Inc. is a globally recognized publication that provides vital linkages among academia, industry, and public policy forum. Bhattacharya’s foreign policy articles have been published by prestigious public policy think tanks such as Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) and Observer Research Foundation (ORF).

India-Indonesia Diplomatic Relations @75 Years: Strategic Cooperation Shaping Geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific As India and Indonesia commemorate 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations (1951-2024), it is time to celebrate the deep-rooted historical, civilizational, cultural, and economic linkages spanning for the last two millennia, which in turn lays stron...

India Denmark Relations: Green Strategic Partnership a Force for Global Good India and Denmark are natural partners connected by common democratic traditions, strong institutional affinity and historical links of trade relations dating back to 400 years ago. The diplomatic relations between New Delhi and Copenhagen were estab...

India’s Global Leadership: Revamped Agenda and Reformed Multilateralism Impacting Emerging World Order India’s ascendancy as UNSecurity Council President in December 2022 for the second time in a span of only fifteen months remarkably reflect its growing global recognition as a formidable and credible power that is committed to strengthen the tenets...

India-ASEAN Relations: Growing Convergence The momentous convergence of strategic interests in India-ASEAN relations over the years has enormously propelled robust cooperation between the two sides on multidimensional issues of mutual interests. The implications of consolidation of India-ASEA...

I2U2 Grouping: Transformational Force for Global Good and India’s Strategic Imperatives With the formation of I2U2 grouping comprising India, Israel, the USA, and the UAE a new strategic alliance has come into action towards promoting robust cooperation for establishing geostrategic and geo-economic equilibrium coupled with shared econo...

Book Published / Book Reviews 
India-Indonesia Relations – A Civilizational Partnership; Ed. Vinod Anand; Pentagon Press 2024, New Delhi, ISBN 978-881-980002-7-9 As India and Indonesia have embarked into commemorating and celebrating the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, the joint publication of edited volume titled India-Indonesia Relations – A Civilizational Partnership...

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