Devsena Mishra is a promoter of advanced technologies, startup ecosystem and the Indian government’s business and technology related initiatives like Digital India, Make in India, Smart Cities, Startup India etc.

Missing Dot Pattern, Spotlight and Capacity Building Opportunity for Bharat On 22nd March 2016, something interesting happened in the tech world. Almost all web platforms started crashing within a few minutes, from small enterprise apps to giants like Facebook, Netflix, Spotify, Airbnb, etc. At one point, it seemed that the ...

Changing Dimensions of Information Warfare The changing character of war and its emerging dimensions which are often referred to as grey zone, non-contact, cyber, and information warfare, are fuelling some serious debates/actions across the world and these aspects are now a part of every coun...

India’s Gradual Transition from ‘Defense Market’ to ‘Export Hub’ 2019, the final year of current Indian government, is the perfect time to trace and evaluate how much progress India has made on some of the ambitious targets related to defense sector i.e. promotion of indigenous defense development, reducing countr...

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