Senior Research Assistant, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library

Buddhism and India’s Soft Power Diplomacy India has always been aware of the need to avoid using military might as the cornerstone of its foreign policy since gaining independence. The values of peaceful coexistence have governed India since Jawaharlal Nehru's Panchsheel principles. Though I...

भारतीय अभिलेखागार के कई पहलू एक अभिलेखागार (आर्काइव) और इसके उपयोग के महत्त्व के विचार के संबंध में बहसें होती रही हैं। वर्तम...

"Many facets of the Indian Archive" There have been debates galore with respect to the idea behind an Archive and its usage. In the present context, unlike the Library and in circles outside academia, the Archive (state and privately run) is a less popular structure not completely sure...

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