International Relations/Diplomacy
What Recent Meetings Tell us About the Emerging World Order

The G7 summit meeting on 11 June, followed by the North Atlantic Council meeting (14 June), Russia-US summit (16 June) and the extension of the Russia-China Friendship Treaty for the next five years (28 June) give us important pointers to the shape o

कोलंबो पोर्ट सिटी परियोजना एवं भारतीय सरोकार

निकटस्थ पड़ोसी के रूप में भारत और श्रीलंका दोनों ही अपने व्यापक द्विपक्षीय संबंधों का लाभ उठात

Taiwan Needs World’s Support to Defend its Sovereignty

Like the South China Sea, the Taiwan Straits is another flashpoint in the Indo-Pacific region. Both have the China factor where it is flexing its military muscle. While in the South China Sea, it is in conflict with some other Asian countries which m

कॉर्नवाल से सप्रेम1

प्रिय गैर-समूह7 नागरिकों
आपने 12-13 जून 2021 को कॉर्नवाल में समूह-7 लोकतांत्रिक देशों के खुशहाल पर

The Divergences in the Gulf Have Their Own Dynamic

West Asia has an unusual knack of keeping the watchers and analysts on feet most of the times. On the one hand ongoing conflicts and hotspots in Yemen, Libya, Syria and Iraq keep one frustrated. And on the other simmering cinders of the Arab Spring k

India-Central Asia Relations: Issues and Prospects

Despite close historical and cultural connection that India shared with Central Asian region, the bilateral relations have remained below the potential. The key reason is the lack of connectivity. However, in 2015, with PM Modi’s visit to this regi

Japan’s Four-day Workweek Proposal Unlikely to Work

Japan and Japanese are known for their famously workaholic corporate culture. There are cases in which companies have forced employees to put extra hours, thereby driving some to commit suicide and giving rise to the word karoshi or “death from ove

‘Great Rejuvenation’ of the Chinese Nation to Continue: Xi’s Message at the CCP Centenary Celebrations

The Chinese Communist Party celebrated its 100th birth anniversary. CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered a much anticipated speech on the occasion. Being a centenary speech, it had obvious political significance. It sums up the state of affair

Origin and Growth of Sino Pak Nexus against India: Suggested Tenets of Indian Response

An Assertive and Proactive India
The Surgical Strike in Uri Sector (20161, Doklam standoff (2017)2 and air strike in Balakot3 have portrayed an assertive and proactive Indian response to the Chinese and Paki

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