विश्व भर में सूखों की बढ़ती बारंबारता और तीव्रता गहन चिंता का विषय बन रहे हैं। 2018 में पूरी दुनिय�
विश्व भर में सूखों की बढ़ती बारंबारता और तीव्रता गहन चिंता का विषय बन रहे हैं। 2018 में पूरी दुनिय�
ऐसे समय में जब भारत अदम्य नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस की 125वीं जयंती मना रहा है और उनका लापता होना एवं �
Tibet appears poised to initiate a vigorous campaign aimed at assimilating the Tibetan ethnic minority into the Han national mainstream. An important speech by Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) Party Secretary Wu Yingjie, at a meeting of the District Par
अंततः टोक्यो ओलंपिक 2020 के भव्य समारोह का शुभ आरंभ हो ही गया। तीन घंटे का यह शुरुआती समारोह इस पृथ�
The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan will have a profound impact on Asian geopolitics and international relations at large. China-Pakistan relations are also undergoing steady change as both seek to maximise their influence, security and economic int
The liberal and dovish South Korean President Moon Jae-in is a gutsy leader who does not easily give up to make peace with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, despite the latter’s maverick behaviour and unpredictable policy choices that once agree
पहले समूह-7 की बैठक (11 जून) हुई, इसके बाद नॉर्थ अटलांटिक काउंसिल की बैठक (14 जून) हुई, फिर रूस-अमेरिका �
The sudden withdrawal of US forces on the night of 1st July 2021 from Bagram created a piquant situation not only for Afghanistan security forces but also for the entire world. While a withdrawal was always in the offing, with a deadline being previo
In her 2006 Report on China Studies in India, Madhavi Thampi pointed out that there is a lack of depth and rigour in China centric research within India1. Much does not seem to have changed as she noted the similar observation in her Janua