International Relations/Diplomacy
India-China Ties: Need for a Balanced Policy

China constitutes by far our most difficult diplomatic challenge as its rise impacts us directly in view of its territorial claims on us, the unsettled Tibetan situation, the potential impact of China’s upstream river projects, its “more precious

India’s Military Strategy Vis a Vis China

“When there is everything to fear, be unafraid. When without resources, depend on resourcefulness”, - Sun Tsu.
A Legacy of Dispute The territorial dispute in the Trans-Himalayan Region is a legacy of the et

Foreign Policy under the new Chinese Leaders: India needs to be Wary

The new Chinese leaders have been active in foreign affairs almost immediately after taking over their new offices in March this year. Premier Li Keqiang visited India, Pakistan, Switzerland and Germany as part of his first outing. President Xi Jinpi

Ignoring ICCR: Undermining India’s ‘Soft Diplomacy’

India’s premier and oldest agency for furthering her soft power, the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), is faced with an acute crisis of resources. The challenge is serious and yet it does not seem to have moved the powers that be. In te

Reinforcing India’s Maritime Credentials: Need of the Hour

‘The future of India will undoubtedly be decided on the sea’.1 This was stated by KM Panikkar, one of India’s first post-colonial strategic thinkers almost 70 years ago.These words were prophetic considering that 95 per cent of India

Dynamics of Asia Pacific Strategy and Missile Defence: Implications for India

At the recently concluded Shangri La security conference, the emerging security scenario in the Asia Pacific was the main theme for discussions. Interposed between many plenary sessions on regional security and military transparency issues was an ent

Tactical Nuclear Weapons: Lessons for India & Pakistan

Introduction Even though 50,000 to 60,000 nuclear warheads were produced since the arguably senseless bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, some basic human survival instinct “repeatedly stayed the finger that might have pushed the b

Chinese Premier Li’s Visit to India: Engaging to Contain

Strategic Backdrop Chinese Premier Li Kequiang’s visit to India took place at a crucial time when the geopolitics at the international level are in a state of flux with the US pursuing its pivot to Asia-Pacific strategy besides its ongoin

The art of a Bloodless War

This is the lesson from Ladakh — when cracks are papered over, they reappear several conclusions can be drawn from The India-China Stand-off in Ladakh. One, China can create an incident on the unsettled border at a time and place of its choosing, i

No First Use Nuclear Doctrine with “Chinese Characteristics”

Introduction Like a chameleon, the dragon, very predictably is changing its colors with regards to its often stated nuclear doctrine of “no first use” (NFU). Since 1964 when China conducted its first nuclear weapon test, China has repea

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