International Relations/Diplomacy
Lack of Political Will at COP26 led to a Weak Outcome

How should one assess the outcome of the much-hyped COP26? Even a cursory reading of the outcome document[1] adopted by COP26 shows how weak the result has been. The COP br

Glasgow Summit and the Way Forward for India

Glasgow Conference outcome has been described by different stakeholders as disappointing. But their reasons differ. For climate enthusiasts, the agreement did not go far enough. For developing countries, this meant accepting more stringent emission s

Xi Jinping’s New Slogan of Common Prosperity is Worrying People

‘Common Prosperity’ has become the new buzzword in the People's Republic of China since August 2021. The term provokes varying emotions ranging from fear and apprehension to a sense that the government is finally addressing the rising Gini coeffi

"नए युग" में चीन का गहन रूपांतरण

चीनी विदेश मंत्रालय के प्रवक्ता ने 22 सितंबर 2021 को एक हैरतअंगेज वक्तव्य दिया, जिसके मुताबिक "...गलव�

China: Profound, Palpable and Persistent Winds of Change-Implications for India

Is China on throes of Cultural Revolution 2.0? What will be political effects of an economic slowdown in China, and near-term pain propelled by strong headwinds? Does this shifting dynamic and internal discourse in China matter to India? With the Tal

The Economic and Geopolitical Implications of Evergrande

More often than not, the most objective and well-analysed piece of writing is not possible when a crisis is unfolding. The tendency of journalists and analysts will be to rush information to their readers and clients, respectively. There will be less

China’s Export of Wealth – Options for India within Hybrid Battle space

China’s rapid growth in last couple of decades since Deng Xiaoping started economic reforms in 1978 followed by the restructuring of its economy by Premier Zhu Rongji in 2001 when China joined WTO; helped generate disproportion

Profound Transformation in China in the “NEW ERA”

In a surprising statement, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman on 22 September 2021 stated that the “…Galwan incident took place because India violated all signed agreements and treaties and encroached upon Chinese territory and illegally cross

Impact of Developments in Afghanistan on India: A Report

(Given below is a report on Brainstorming Session held on 13 September 2021 at the VIF attended by Dr. Arvind Gupta, Lt. Gen Ravi Sawhney, Amb. Gautam Mukhopadhyay, Mr. Tilak Devasher, Dr.Srikanth Kondapalli, Lt. Gen. Rakesh Sharma, Mr. Satish Cha

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