National Security and Strategic Studies
Jammu & Kashmir
Assessing India’s Abrogation of article 370, and Kashmir’s Journey Ahead

On August 5th, 2019, Modi government nullified the article 370 and scrapped article 35 A, the backbone of article 370. It was indeed a historic moment for India as article 370, in essence, had become a dead weight providing a robust protective shield

Pakistan and 05 August- A Year Later

The developments of 05 August 2019 have left a deep scar on the psyche of Pakistan. This was the day when the special provisions granted to J&K in the Indian constitution- Article 370 and Article 35(A) – were revoked. The state was bifurcated into

Article 370 Fully Integrates J & K with India

The revision of Article 370 removed a long festering abscess in our body politic. India had been divided in 1947 but Article 370 blurred a neat division by preventing the full integration of J&K with India. J&K obtained a special status because of th

J & K- Less War, More Peace: An Assessment of the Year after the Decisions of 5 August 2019

On 5 Aug 2019 India stunned the world, and perhaps itself, with decisions regarding the constitutional exclusivity attached to the erstwhile state of Jammu & Kashmir (J&K). These were related to abrogation of Articles 370 and 35A of the Indian Consti

Truth vs. Reality: Unshackling the Burdens of Intrigue in Kashmir

Truthful journalism is the bulwark that makes democracies work by fulfilling the people’s right to information. This statement cannot be faulted, but there is a less comfortable truth that operates in tandem here, especially when it comes to media

Rewriting the New Narrative of Jammu and Kashmir

Disjunction between the law and state can lead to systemic decay that breed corruption, instability, violence and erosion of institutions of governance. Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) is victim of the disjunction that allowed state

All Quiet in Kashmir?

Kashmir is relatively calm since the last couple of months. No street protests, no encounters between the militants and the security forces. Last encounter was reported on November 26 between the militants and the forces in Pulwama district of South

The Jammu & Kashmir Horizon: A Recipe for Stabilisation

One of the things about J&K's winter is that it dampens spirits and morale. Bone chilling cold reduces human efficiency and all analyses of the situation tend to be negative. Unlike what a lot of people imagine as a period of quiet in the Valley, it

Kashmir: The Climb Ahead

“Don’t hit at all if it is honourably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft”, - Theodore Roosevelt

A State of Complexities
At the time of India’s independence, the State of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) was, by the ver

Recent Developments in Kashmir

The spate of criticism faced by India in the international community following its constitutional amendment of Article 370, the restructuring of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, and the pre emptive steps taken by it to preserve peace and tranquillity

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