Commentaries & Articles
The Role of The Prime Minister in A Westminster Democracy

Under the Indian Constitution the executive power of the Union vests in the President and is exercised by him through officers subordinate to him. However, in exercising his executive power the President is bound to act according to the aid and advi....

China as Hydro- Hegemon : The Onset of Water Wars

The Chinese civilization is characterized by its ability to do long term perspective thinking of an unusual order. As far back as 1952, Chairman Mao Ze dong had articulated that Water Stress in the Northern and Western parts of China would be a very ....

The Arab Spring: Opening A Pandorra’s Box?

The so called Arab spring represents a massive popular movement, not seen or predicted in the Arab world ever since the Suez sponsored Nasserite upheaval. It is as significant as the falling of the Berlin wall. The effects of the falling of the Berli....

The Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (Access to Justice and Reparation) Bill 2011 - A Review

Ever since the riots in Gujarat post Godhra the so-called civil rights groups have been gunning for Narendra Modi and the Gujarat Government. The allegation is that the riots which targeted Muslims were instigated and supported by the ruling party, ....

Is Nepal Any Closer To Resolution of The Political Impasse?

On May 28, 2011 when the extended term of the Constituent Assembly was due to expire, almost everyone had given up hopes of averting a constitutional crisis that would have followed. But in typical Nepali way, the political parties, with some help fr....

On Another Plane - The Indo-Us Relationship cannot Depend on a Single Deal

The competition for the 126 medium multirole combat aircraft deal has sprung a surprise. The two American aircraft, the F-16 and the F-18, have been eliminated after technical evaluation by the Indian air force, belying the expectations of the govern....

US Troop Withdrawal in Afghanistan: Nothing New About Barack Obama's Address

In December 2009, when announcing the “surge” of an additional 30,000 US troops into Afghanistan President Obama had simultaneously promised the beginning of the draw down of American forces in July 2011. This artful decision was tailored to sati....

Modernising the Motivational Context of the Indian Armed Forces

Dietmar Rothermund and Harman Kulke state that the non-revolutionary transfer of power from the British Empire to the Indian Republic enabled it to inherit intact the instrumentalities of governance like the armed forces and the civil and police bure....

Revisiting the Indian Tradition of Public Dissent

Avant Propos Writing a foreword to noted social historian and political philosopher Dharampal’s (1922-2006) book ‘Civil Disobedience in Indian Tradition’ [1971] legendary Indian mass leader and socialist thinker Jayaprakash Nar....

Will Mamata Follow Hard-Line Policies Against The Maoists?

It is a fact that Mamata Bannerjee and her party have done considerable damage to the anti-Maoist security mechanism in West Bengal, through her ‘no-hold- barred’ mission to capture power in West Bengal. Flush with a huge electoral win that has....

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