Commentaries & Articles
Whither Education?

A task force set up by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, which was chaired by Prof. Sanjay Dhande, Director, IIT, Kanpur has looked at the question of faculty shortages in Indian universities and colleges. In 2008 it was calculated that on....

Xinjiang’s Pakistan Connection & Beijing’s Folly

The proximity that has been characterising China and Pakistan relationship may turn out to be not quite all-weather if investigations into the recent violence in Chinese controlled Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region reveal a Pakistan-based Islamist ....

Communal Violence Bill – A Direct Assault On The States

The United Progressive Alliance government is readying itself to introduce a Bill to further strengthen the law against communal and targeted violence and to ensure speedy justice and reparations for the victims of communal violence. Though the objec....

We Shall Not Retire

During the Second World War when Britain’s fortunes were at their lowest ebb and Britain was in imminent danger of being invaded by the Germans who had successively conquered France and Belgium, Sir Winston Churchill became Prime Minister. The Bri....

‘Designated Camps’ for the Ceasefire Insurgent Groups: Some QRs

One of the most important aspects that govern cessation of hostilities by an insurgent group is the anvilling of ground rules that would govern ceasefire and the setting up of “Designated Camps” for the insurgent group. While, it has been seen th....

Futile Review Of National Security

The Task Force appointed by the UPA Government for national security review is unlikely to produce a report that will carry weight and be accepted for implementation. Its limited remit and the fact that it comprises retired officials who carry no ....

Encircling the ‘Light of Asia’: the Lumbini Project

Though he often lamented the extent and depth of Indian influence on Chinese civilisation in the past, Ambassador Hu Shih (1891-1962) scholar-formidable of China’s cultural renaissance nevertheless conceded India’s immense contribution to his cou....

A Blinding Obsession

The youthfulness of the new Pakistani foreign minister is in itself of little consequence for the revitalisation of India-Pakistan ties. Some optimism-laced commentary equating her youth with freshness of approach to bilateral relations is more wishf....

A Diplomatic View Of the MMRCA Deal

India’s tender for 126 Medium Range Multi-role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) has been the object of intensive and prolonged international interest. Such a massive order for advanced aircraft by a single country for procurement from the international mark....

Dialectics of Ceasefires with Insurgents in the North East

Ceasefire with an insurgent outfit is expected to adopt a progression of steps which would lead to a comprehensive resolution of conflict. Indeed, the path, which a peace process normally takes after a ceasefire is entered into, is expected to be les....

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