Commentaries & Articles
Challenges ahead in Kashmir

After many decades New Delhi has made a paradigm shift in its Kashmir policy. The new policy serves the dual objectives of dealing with Pakistan by mending the chronic nature of the Kashmir problem by scrapping the controversial Article 370 of the Co....

Article 370: Abrogation for Progress and Development of Jammu & Kashmir

The divesting of Art 370 and 35A of the Indian Constitution from within its own provisions and by way of Presidential decrees was a stroke of legal genius by PM Modi’s government – these Articles were seen by the rest of India as anachronistic an....

Repeal of Article 370 - Pakistan’s Reaction

Articles 370 and 35 A, which gave special status to J&K were part of Indian Constitution. Their repeal does not violate any international agreement. These ensured that the people of J&K enjoyed democratic rights within the Indian Union, which the peo....

Three Cheers - Jammu and Kashmir is Truly Integrated with India

Lightening strike, surgical operations and surprise are the terminologies most used and practiced in military operations. But here in Jammu and Kashmir, Government of India has done one better and in one step resolved the 70 years old legacy of a pr....

Modi did what Nehru wanted to, but couldn’t, on Article 370

When Home Minister Amit Shah declared on August 6 that Article 370 has been scrapped and Kashmir fully integrated with the rest of India, whether or not he was aware, he said almost exactly what Jawaharlal Nehru told the Lok Sabha 56 years ago, on De....

Repeal of Temporary Articles 370 and the 35A Intrusion

Those who had been wondering whether the Modi Government would bite the bullet on Article 370 and Article 35A got their answer on August 5. Not only did the government scrap the two provisions, the first of which was of a temporary nature and the se....

अल्पसंख्यक कौन हैं?

केंद्र की नरेन्द्र मोदी सरकार ने अल्पसंख्यक समुदाय तक अपनी पहुंच और बढ़ा कर देश में एक स्पंदन प�....

मोदी का दूसरा कार्यकाल: ‘नेबरहुड फर्स्ट’ पर अमल

भारत के आम चुनावों पर अन्य लोगों के साथ ही पड़ोसियों का भी भरपूर ध्यान रहा। कई को चुनावी कवायद के �....

Our Constitution: Preamble Debates

Last month (June), the nation remembered Emergency, which had been imposed by the Indira Gandhi government in 1975. The horrors that followed have been repeatedly chronicled — large-scale arrests of the then Prime Minister’s political adversaries....

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