Commentaries & Articles
Sectarian Divide in Islam and Fall Out in Pakistan

Sectarian dissonance in Islam can be traced back to the death of Prophet Mohammad in 632 AD. The anointment of the successor to Prophet did set the stage for an eternal conflict which witnessed its violent calcification in 680 AD with the martyrdom o....

Sheikh Hasina Visit to India: Fostering Development, Connectivity and Security

India and Bangladesh are emerging economies with a combined GDP of 3000 US billion dollars (2018).1 These two big economies have forged a very strong relationship in recent years and the ties between both the countries have been on an upsw....

Myanmar Round Up: September 2019

“…it is clear that China will never be an honest broker capable of mediating a peace process that can bring lasting peace to Myanmar. Rather, China conducts a peace process guided by its own interests—one that goes nowhere.” - Joe Kumbun....

Radical Islam in the Maldives: Hotbed for al-Qa’ida and Islamic State

In his address at the Indian Ocean Conference (IOC) in Male city, the Republic of Maldives (hereafter Maldives) on 04 September 20191, former Maldivian President—Mohamed Nasheed highlighted concerns over the emerging threat posed by radi....

Chinese Investments in Nepal in the Context of BRI

Background All countries, big or small, promote investment as it plays a crucial role in capital formation and in increasing production, generating employment opportunities and boosting exports. Foreign investment is required when the dom....

पाकिस्तान: आतंकवादी हिंसा की पुनरावृत्ति

आतंकवादी और अलगाववादी धीरे-धीरे एक बार फिर पाकिस्तान में सिर उठा रहे हैं। जर्ब-ए-अज्ब और रद्द-उल....

Neighbourhood First: India’s Policy towards Nepal

The Mothihari-Amlekhgunj pipeline was jointly inaugurated on 10th September 2019 by Prime Ministers of both nations through a video link. The 69 km pipeline multiproduct pipeline is a government to government (G2G) project. It is built jointly by sta....

Notes from the Sub-continent

Overview In this fortnight’s compilation of some of the big ideas being debated in the media across the Indian sub-continent, we offer a mix of foreign and domestic policy issues. Starting with Bangladesh, we look at its response to Ind....

India-Bangladesh: Moving beyond the Bilateral

What does it take for a bilateral relation to cross the Rubicon? As recent developments were unfolding, if any two neighbours in South Asia were capable of making the turnaround it was presumed India and Bangladesh could and would. And given the ong....

इमरान खान की यात्रा के बाद अमेरिका-पाकिस्तान संबंध

मीडिया की गहमागहमी और घर में मिली सराहना को किनारे रख दें तो इमरान खान की अमेरिका यात्रा से पाकि....

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