Commentaries & Articles
Tectonic Shift in India’s Pak policy

The recent CNN-IBN interview of Mr M.K. Narayanan, the nation­al security adviser (NSA), in defence of the government's assertions on Pakistan-sponsored terrorism, including the setting up of the anti terrorism mecha­nism, has added to the wides....

If Sharif Comes Back

For Musharraf, the Supreme Court decision allowing the return of the exiled Nawaz Sharif could mean a disaster. It turns upside down the delicately nuanced American-backed rescue plan to bail out Musharraf in the face of nationwide protests for en....

Significance of Putin’s Visit to India by Kanwal Sibal

Vladimir Putin deserves our esteem. On assuming power in 2000 he reversed the Yeltsin era drift in India-Russia relations and established a strategic partnership with India. His current visit is his fifth to India in 10 years, testifying to the pe....

Djinn is out of Pak bottle

India must immediately upgrade its capabilities and keep a close vigil on the developments to its west Writing in these columns over a year ago, I mentioned that Pervez Musharraf has “domestically lost his credibility and legitimacy” and was ....

Abject Surrender at Sharm-el-Sheikh

Whatever the mode of engagement — war or diplomacy — nations interact to maximise their national interest. In adverse conditions, like defeat in war, they work to minimise their losses. The icing of ideology, morality, justice, global and huma....

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