Commentaries & Articles
On Another Plane - The Indo-Us Relationship cannot Depend on a Single Deal

The competition for the 126 medium multirole combat aircraft deal has sprung a surprise. The two American aircraft, the F-16 and the F-18, have been eliminated after technical evaluation by the Indian air force, belying the expectations of the govern....

US Troop Withdrawal in Afghanistan: Nothing New About Barack Obama's Address

In December 2009, when announcing the “surge” of an additional 30,000 US troops into Afghanistan President Obama had simultaneously promised the beginning of the draw down of American forces in July 2011. This artful decision was tailored to sati....

Great Expectations: Indo-French Defence Relations

The shortlisting of the French Rafale and the Eurofighter as the two final contenders for the $10 billion MMRCA deal puts a renewed spotlight on Indo-French defense cooperation, particularly as the US aircraft have been excluded. The comprehensive an....

China and Vietnam: Delicate Balance of Natural Allies

The recent row between Vietnam and China in the South China Sea is yet another illustration of ‘peaceful rise of China’. It began in the last week of May and continued through second week of June, when in two similar incidents, exploration cables....

India-China-Japan Relations and the Weakness of Japanese Diplomacy

A good example of the weakness of Japanese diplomacy is the resurgence of territorial dispute between China and Japan in September 2010. Since August 2010, there have been an increasing number of Chinese fishing boats in the....

India's relations with the US and Russia

During the Cold War when US and the Soviet Union were acknowledged as superpowers, with monstrous nuclear arsenals at their command, vying with each other internationally, with competing ideologies and alliances, making a comparative analysis of Indi....

Developmental Onslaught in Inner Mongolia

Rampant sacrifice of hapless marginalised section of the society at the altar of ideology of development is too common to stir commotion in human sensitivity. The grotesque death scene of Mongol nomad Mergen whose head was crushed to pieces under the....

How India Deals with Pakistan and China

It might be interesting to analyse our diplomatic handling of China and Pakistan on a comparative basis. These two countries pose the most difficult and complex foreign policy challenges to us. Is our approach to both countries similar, or there are ....

BRICS Summit and Beyond – An Assessment

General For the premier emerging economies of the World, BRICS as they have been categorised by Goldman Sachs a decade ago, the Third Summit in Sanya though some tend to categorise it as the First as South Africa was included for the....

Chinese Moves on the Brahmaputra: Threat or Hype

Water—one of the most important natural resource on earth—has taken centre-stage in the North East and is steadily becoming a weapon of geopolitics. It began as a mass movement engineered by the Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti and its demand to halt....

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