Commentaries & Articles
India-Vietnam Defence Relations and Strengthening of Strategic Partnership

Introduction India and Vietnam have been friends from time immemorial. The year 2014 was a landmark in Indo-Vietnam strategic partnership. The Government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi views Vietnam as an essential partner of its Act East ....

India-Korea Relations in the Asian Century

Perhaps the most notable development in world affairs today is the dawn of Asian century. If the 20th century was dominated by the rise of US and trans-Atlantic relations , the global centre of gravity is invariably shifting to East Asia in the curre....

Abe’s Re-election and India-Japan Relations

Shinzo Abe’s decisive victory in the mid term polls on December 14 augurs well for the future of India-Japan relations. Diplomatic ties between India and Japan that have seen an upswing over the past two decades are slated to assume even greater si....

IS Growth Poses Threat to Several Countries

The menace which has been created by the Sunni militant group, Islamic State (IS) is likely to stay for some time to come. Despite the United States (US)-led coalition airstrikes to destroy the terror organisation , there has been no significant decl....

India and Russia: Putin Visit to Boost Ties

The India-Russia Strategic partnership was formed in the year 2000. Russia was the first country with whom India established a strategic partnership and in the year 2010 during the 11th Summit, India and Russia elevated their relationship to a “Spe....

Israel and India’s New Government: The Military-Security Dimension

India-Israel Ties and the New Government: The bilateral relations between India and Israel, today, are going in a direction as expected by many ever since the 2014 election results were declared. The thumping victory of the Bharatiya Janata ....

US Rebalance to Asia – An Assessment

US President Barack Obama landed in Beijing on Monday for the APEC summit, the first of a series of summit and bilateral meetings with regional and world leaders. This visit comes at a time when a majority of Americans are despondent that the country....

Vietnamese Economy and Current Cooperation with India

Introduction The Vietnamese economy at the time of unification on 30 April 1975 was a highly centralised planned economy like the former Soviet Union. This underwent change with the introduction of Doi Moi in 1986. With the breakup of the S....

India’s ‘Act East’ Policy: A Perspective

India’s Look East Policy (LEP) came of age when New Delhi celebrated two decades of engagement by holding the ASEAN-India Commemorative Summit in November 2012. The first phase of LEP lasted for one decade till 2002 when the then Minister for Exte....

The Rise of the Islamic Caliphate: New Threat to Stability in West Asia

New Crisis: Barbarians on the March After having overrun Mosul and Tikrit in June 2014, the virulently radical Sunni militants of the new "caliphate" headed by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the so-called Islamic State, appear to be gradually closin....

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