Following a suicide bombing attack in the vicinity of the Russian embassy in PD7 of Kabul, the embassy announced on Twitter that it has stopped issuing visas for applicants.“Dear Applicants! The reception of citizens in the Consular Department is temporarily suspended. Further information will be announced about the resumption of the reception,” the Russian Embassy in Kabul said on Twitter. “Dear applicants! The Consular Section is temporarily closed. The resumption of admission will be announced later. Click here to read...
The Vienna meeting on the current situation in Afghanistan, solutions, and challenges will be convened on September 15th, with the presence of 31 political figures opposed to the Taliban at the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV), in the capital of Austria. Click here to read...
Every time the prime ministers of Bangladesh and India visit each other's country, the issue of the Teesta treaty surfaces in public discussions – at least in Bangladesh. The same has happened during Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's ongoing visit to India. Click here to read...
Bangladesh has agreed to designate Indian Oil Corporation Limited as a government-to-government, or G2G, supplier of refined petroleum products, according to Indian Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra. Click here to read...
Consumers had to pay 6.61 percent more for the same goods in July this year than the same month last year. This is according to the National Statistics Bureau’s (NSB) latest consumer price index (CPI), released on August 31. For example, if a packet of milk was Nu 100 and the price increased by Nu 6.61 compared with a year earlier, then the milk’s inflation rate is 6.61 percent. Click here to read...
Some litigants dissatisfied with lower court’s rulings could not appeal to the High Court (HC) on August 24 after they were asked to deposit 25 percent of the amount involved in the case. “We were shocked to hear that the appellate court wouldn’t accept an appeal without the appeal bond deposit,” one of the litigants said. “We would have taken the money if the judiciary notified the public about the new rule.” Click here to read...
The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention visited Maldives from 29 November to 9 December 2021 upon the invitation of the Government. The Working Group identified positive developments, including: the ratification of international human rights instruments; the functioning of the Human Rights Commission, including its mandate as the national preventive mechanism for Maldives. Click here to read...
Maldives Climate Crisis Death Sentence - Stark Warning from Maldives Environment Minister - Climate Change Above Internationally Agreed Threshold is ''Death Sentence'' for Low-Lying NationsClick here to read...
The Arakan Army (AA) chief has accused Myanmar’s regime of using Mrauk-U, the historic Rakhine capital, as a hostage amid escalating violence. “The SAC [State Administrative Council] is unleashing its dastardly playbook and modus operandi. Mrauk-U is being held hostage by the cowards who dare fight only against the unarmed civilians,” Major General Tun Myat Naing tweeted on Sunday, using the regime’s name for itself. Click here to read...
It will be Min Aung Hlaing’s first meeting with Putin, and the Russian president will be the first leader of a powerful country to host the junta boss, who has been shunned internationally for his military coup and brutal crackdowns on opponents. So far the Myanmar junta has killed more than 2,000 people for rejecting military rule. Click here to read...
The UN Special envoy on Myanmar has warned of a “multidimensional catastrophe” if the regional and international communities don’t make a serious effort to support the Southeast Asian country, which has descended into conflict since last year’s military coup. Click here to read...
Myanmar’s border trade has ceased as the kyat continues to slump against the Chinese yuan and Thai baht, border traders have told The Irrawaddy. The kyat fell heavily in August with exchange rates reaching 4,500 kyats per US dollar, over 90 kyats per baht and nearly 500 kyats per yuan. Click here to read...
Bangladesh officially complained to the Myanmar ambassador about the violation of its airspace by Myanmar for the third time in two weeks. A Bangladesh foreign ministry official, Miah Md. Mainul Kabir said to Anadolu Agency: “We summoned Myanmar’s ambassador over the recent landing of Myanmar’s mortar shells inside Bangladesh. We strongly condemned the violation of airspace and shelling along the border areas”. Click here to read...
The labyrinth of geopolitical tug-of-war in a purely volatile world with its own set of norms of values backed up by economic mightiness and ideological variations are creating tension–making the survival of the economically vulnerable countries on edge of the sword. Click here to read...
Police have arrested three persons on the charge of smuggling marijuana to Nepal from the United States via the post office. SSP Bikas Raj Khanal of the Nepal Police Narcotics Control Bureau says the police first arrested Manoj Kumar Rai of Kavre, who went to the Dillibazar post office to receive his parcel on Monday. Click here to read...
The federal government has issued the E-governance Commission (Formation and Operation) Order, 2022, for the promotion of electronic system in public service delivery and government functions. Click here to read...
Another report last month, the latest State of Global Air 2022 on Air Quality and the Health of Cities, showed that more than 5,000 deaths in 2019 in Kathmandu alone were due to air pollution. This added up to 42,100 additional deaths in 2019 due to poor air quality. Click here to read...
Amid the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) warning that the humanitarian situation in flood-ravaged Pakistan is expected to get worse, Japan pledged to give emergency aid of $7 million, Qatar launched an air bridge and the UN refugee agency mounted a huge airlift operation from Dubai. Click here to read...
PTI chairman and deposed premier Imran Khan on Tuesday maintained that efforts were being made to turn the judiciary and army against him. Addressing a rally in Peshawar, he defended his three-day old statement, saying that he had talked about appointing the army chief on merit because “thieves” could not be given the authority to appoint him. Click here to read...
Amid ongoing protests against inflated electricity bills, the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) has indicated allowing power distribution companies to raise the power tariff by Rs3.39 per unit on account of quarterly adjustmentsClick here to read...
With growing fears of a severe food shortage coupled with price inflation, the government has decided to establish a multi-sectoral integrated mechanism for food security and nutrition at the National Food Security and Nutrition Council for the next two-year period. Click here to read...
As the sun rose over Sri Lanka one morning in late August, around a dozen fishermen were laying out their nets on a beach in Mannar, a small island just off the country’s northwestern coast, the start of the day’s work. But many other fishermen in the community are unable to go to sea at all, crippled by the country’s devastating economic crisis, the worst it has faced since independence in 1948. Click here to read...
Highlighting that a ‘Devani Aragalaya’ (A second struggle) will be launched for a systems change shortly, President Ranil Wickremesinghe said the parties will finalise an agreement on the proposed National Council. Speaking during a gathering held to mark the 76th anniversary of UNP, the President said Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena had informed him that parties will finalise an agreement on the National Council next week. Click here to read...