National Security Vol. III Issue II | April - June 2020
About the Issue

In recent years the global order has become increasingly fragile because of growing distrust and uncertainty in great power relations. At a time when Mega trends such as climate change, the explosion of disruptive technologies, and global health crisis caused by the spread of viruses such as COVID-19 are devastating the old order and its institutions, and demand maximum international cooperation, the trends are towards less collaboration and enhanced strategic competition. The global political arrangements to manage threats have been battered and weakened. Nowhere is the impact felt more than in the unravelling of the nuclear order. The impact can be witnessed in the surge in nuclear arms race, the break-down of arms control, and setbacks to non-proliferation.

This important issue of National Security focuses on rising nuclear dangers, strategic competition and the crisis in arms control, and the implications for India’s security and doctrines. It is a lively issue with important contributions by several of India’s leading thinkers and experts who grapple with some of the most vital themes in the field of security.

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Contents : Vol. III Issue II | April - June 2020


Challenges to the Nuclear order | Arvind Gupta

Pakistan Once Again - With Terror, Lies and Bomb | Sheel Kant Sharma


Indian Nuclear Posture and National Security | Balraj Nagal

Voices of Change in Indian Nuclear Doctrine –an Analysis | V K Saxena


On the Unravelling of Global Nuclear Order | R.Rajaraman

Changing Nature of Deterrence: The Challenge of Asymmetric Threats | Rajaram Nagappa & N Ramamoorthy

Global Nuclear Developments 2017-2020: Implications for India’s Nuclear Policy | Manpreet Sethi

Pakistan’s Nuclear and Missile Capabilities: Implications for India | Dr Shalini Chawla

Book Reviews

A Rare Insight into India’s Nuclear Programme | Sheel Kant Sharma

South Asia in the Second Nuclear Age | Jaideep Chanda

Tackling Deterrence Uncertainty in South Asia. | Souradeep Sen

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  • The copyright of National Security rests with VIF.
  • Submissions to National Security should be original and not published elsewhere or submitted for publication elsewhere. The Publication reserves the first right of refusal.
  • The submissions will be peer reviewed/refereed as well as undergo a plagiarism check.
  • The Editor/Institute reserves the right to make a final decision on the publication, National Security post-review as well as the right to make alterations.
    Selected contributors will be informed of the decision to include their articles in the forthcoming Publication via email.
  • If the author seeks to use an article published in National Security as part of another work, then you will need to get the requisite permission from the Publication, National Security.
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