Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday said the country's current account balance had recorded a surplus of $424 million in July, signalling that the economy was "on the right track". Hailing the development in a message on Twitter, the premier noted that in July last year, Pakistan had a current account deficit (CAD) of $613 million while last month the deficit stood at $100m. Click here to read...
The Afghan Special Forces with air support on Sunday night in north-eastern Panjshir province attempted to arrest Keramuddin Karim, ex-chairman of the Afghanistan Football Federation (AFF), said deputy provincial governor, Mohammad Amin Sediqi. The operation was launched around 10:00pm local time in Sangana village in Bazarak district of the province, Sediqi said, adding that the operation was launched with no coordination with local forces. Click here to read...
The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs Ministry has raised questions about the "sudden" Dhaka visit of Indian Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla. Committee Chairman Faruk Khan confirmed the matter to Dhaka Tribune on Monday and said: "We had a scheduled meeting on Sunday [at Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban]. After discussing the regular agenda, we asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the last visit of Indian foreign secretary. Click here to read...
It has come at a huge cost. Ten years of fighting in which about 17,000 lives were lost and thousands injured. Another 10 years of political chaos in which two elections were held to determine only, what it seems now, the boundaries of seven provinces. The other attendant costs in tens of billions to keep the two constituent assemblies, where most of the 605 members just played the role of rubber stamps, functioning and the hit on the economy too stood out. Click here to read...
Former Speaker Karu Jayasuriya has informed the United National Party (UNP) today that he is ready to accept the leadership of the UNP. Jayasuriya issuing a statement said that he has already informed the leader of the UNP Ranil Wickremesinghe and senior party members in this regard. "The UNP has fallen into such a pathetic state that party loyalists have become highly disappointed. However, I am of the belief that the party can be revamped if relevant reforms are made at the correct time.” Click here to read...