The Hamas Factor

Nearly a century old Palestinian movement has its own kaleidoscope of internal dynamic, competition for power and legitimacy even if the sole object of their attention remains the Jewish state of Israel. While Palestinians want their own free soverei....

Comments on the IISS paper of May 2021 titled: “Nuclear Deterrence and Stability in South Asia: Perceptions and Realities”1

The recent IISS paper titled “Nuclear Deterrence and Stability in South Asia: Perceptions and Realities” is something of a letdown. Though it contains some nuggets of value such as the assessment that, given the China factor, the conventional arm....

Dragon’s Space Arsenal: Dominating the Strategic High Ground

Abstract (China has made spectacular progress in the domain of space, with particular reference to the utilisation of space for enhancing its military capabilities. China’s space developments are an integral component of its military transformat....

Taliban Faultlines: Pakistan’s ISI Elevates Haqqani Network Front And Centre

NEW DELHI: The Taliban may have forced the U.S. and NATO forces to withdraw from Afghanistan but there is no guarantee that it will have a free run post-September, long time watchers of the country say. Pakistan’s ISI, suspicious of the Taliban’s....

One Year of Chinese Aggression: Case of Unintended Consequences

The consequences or outcomes of any deliberate aggression can never be foreseen in exactitude, many will be unintended and many a time unanticipated and with unexpected drawbacks. Indeed, many outcomes will have unexpected benefits, that can fall int....

Gaza Conflict 2021: Why Now, Who Gains?

The guns have fallen silent, fighter aircrafts are back to their bases and the two sides, while counting their losses, are trying to hold onto their nerves as the latest conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip has come to a halt after dec....

टीकाकरण पर ध्यान देने का समय: कुछ सुझाव

आज देश ऐसी अभूतपूर्व महामारी से गुजर रहा है जिसने इतनी जिंदगियों को अपना शिकार बनाया है जो पिछल�....

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