How Nepal is Negotiating its Federalist Contract between the Citizen and the State

After weeks of large-scale protests, in the last week of June the federal government of Nepal withdrew a controversial bill that would have allowed it greater control of the country’s numerous temple trusts called guthis1. But while this step towar....

Kargil War : Recollections

The Kargil war was fought from May through till 26 July 1999 across a trans-Himalayan front of about 150 km at dizzying heights of up to 18000 feet in what was the most inhospitable and unlikely battleground in history. The relatively rapid expulsio....

Lead Role of JK Police, Synergy in Anti-Terrorist Operations

The security situation in the Kashmir region has been spiraling downward since 2008. This is essentially because Pakistan-backed separatists have devised a new strategy to sustain the unrest. The problem now is not the militant holding the gun, bu....

मोदी का दूसरा कार्यकाल: ‘नेबरहुड फर्स्ट’ पर अमल

भारत के आम चुनावों पर अन्य लोगों के साथ ही पड़ोसियों का भी भरपूर ध्यान रहा। कई को चुनावी कवायद के �....

Intra-Afghan Dialogue: A perspective

Introduction The intra-Afghan dialogue convened with the joint efforts of Germany and Qatar from 7-8 July in Doha has raised hopes of ending the 18-year-old conflict in Afghanistan. The dialogue was celebrated as a major milestone by all the major....

Our Constitution: Preamble Debates

Last month (June), the nation remembered Emergency, which had been imposed by the Indira Gandhi government in 1975. The horrors that followed have been repeatedly chronicled — large-scale arrests of the then Prime Minister’s political adversaries....

पाकिस्तान में नए आईएसआई प्रमुख की नियुक्ति के मायने

सेना के शीर्ष क्रम में बदलाव के तहत हाल ही में ले. जन. आसिम मुनीर की जगह ले. जन. फैज हमीद को इंटर-सर्�....

A Look at the Boeing-Bloomberg’s Bloomer on 737 Max Aircraft

A Bloomer! In claiming that cheap Indian coders brought down the plane, here is the actual Bloomberg headline: ‘Boeing’s 737 Max Software Out-sourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers’(

The Spirit of Indian Federalism

The issue of India’s federal nature has been both a subject of reiteration and conflict between the ruling party and the opposition. There have been instances when the opposition parties accused the Centre of violating the federal spirit through po....

बिम्सटेक - एक सुरक्षा ढांचे की तरफ

प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी के दूसरी बार जनादेश पाने के भारत के घरेलू और विदेश नीति दोनों के लि�....

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