To Redefine War in Indian Context is Mandatory

In 1942 Quincy Wright wrote in A Study of War, that to different people war may have different meanings. While Brittanica Encyclopaedia states that war, in the popular sense, is a conflict between political groups involving hostilities of considerabl....

Combat Casualty Management is a Low-Cost Force Multiplier: Lessons from Ukraine War

Executive Summary The idea of war with an advanced adversary, or worse, a two front war is daunting, needing every bit of ingenuity that one can muster. Force multipliers are one such, employed to overcome the difficulties against a numerically su....

Russo-Ukraine Conflict: Some Inferences on Air and Air Defence Aspects

February 2022 to June 2024 and counting, that is over two and four months for which a bloody war is raging between Ukraine and Russia with no signs of ebb in the near future. [1] Such a long period of catastrophic destruction has thrown up many infer....

Between Isolation and Engagement: The Afghan Taliban’s Diplomatic Dilemma

Introduction With the Afghan Taliban back as the new rulers of Kabul since August 2021, the regime has found itself caught in a diplomatic conundrum—maintaining isolationism on the one hand and engaging bilaterally with its regional neighbours ....

The People’s Liberation Army’s New Information Support Force

On April 19, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced that a new People's Liberation Army (PLA) Information Support Force had been established. At the same time, he announced establishment of the PLA Aerospace Support Force and PLA Cyberspace Support F....

Framework for Development, Deployment & Use of AI in India

Cyber technology is advancing at an exponential pace. Web 2.0 has migrated to web 3.0, a three-dimensional technology which has intensive deployment of AI. It has opened new types of services and capabilities and may well be the most consequential te....

Convergence of the Indo-Pacific with the Indian Ocean—Is a Maritime Centric Approach Enough? An Indian Perspective

This article examines China’s strategic ambitions in the Indo-Pacific region through the lens of its “Zhōngguó” or “Middle Kingdom” dream of regaining its perceived historical dominance. It traces the deep roots of this aspiration in Chin....

India’s Growing Defence Exports - Charting the Future

For a country that has long had the unenvious distinction of being the largest global arms importer, the narrative of `growing – arms exports’ is in itself a paradigm shift. It is with pride that the Raksha Mantri (Defence Minister) recently ann....

Hellfire from the Heavens – A Perspective on Contemporary Aerial Strikes

Punitive response with the employment of air power is nothing new, and goes back to the British ‘watch and ward’ missions that the Indian Air Force undertook with the Royal Air Force in 1937, towards policing the recalcitrant tribes of Waziristan....

Initial Assessment of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Three Nation European Tour

Chinese President Xi Jinping, accompanied by his wife Peng Liyuan, Politburo Standing Committee (PBSC) member and Director of the CCP CC General Office Cai Qi and Politburo member and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, arrived in Paris on May 5, on the first ....

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