Understanding the Apex Court Judgment on EWS Reservations

On November 7, yet another milestone was established in the long journey of reservations in post-independent India, with the Supreme Court upholding the constitutional validity of 10 per cent quota for economically weaker sections (EWS) in...

Restructuring Power Equation: Rise of Indigenists means fall of Communism in Nepal

Ever since the end of the autocratic Rana regime in Nepal in 1951, the country has had seven constitutions. Yet, none of the constitutions survived for more than a decade or so in this country. During the last seven decades, the country witnessed...

Can Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution be ever Amended?

The worsening security environment in the Northeast Asian region triggered by China’s brazen aggressive and threatening foreign policy posture and North Korea’s nuclear and continuous missile firings has led to a debate in Japan if its pacifist...

Vimarsha on Story of Emergency (1975-1977): the Greatest threat to Democracy

On 25thJune, 2020, Vimarsha was held through a webinar at VIF, on the topic "Story of Emergency (1975-1977): the Greatest Threat to Democracy, How the people fought and won". It has been 45 years since the declaration of the National Emergency in...

Notes from the Sub-continent: CAA, NRC and others

In this fortnight’s compilation of some of the big ideas being debated in the media across the Indian sub-continent, we look, first, at the coverage of India’s recent amendment of its Citizenship Act and the related issue of preparing a national...

Discussion on ‘Emergency: Darkest Hour in Indian Democracy’,

A discussion was held at the VIF on 24th June 2019 on the eve of 34 years since the declaration of the National Emergency in India. The idea behind was to retell stories related to Emergency - considered as one of the darkest periods in the history...

भारतीय सभ्यता और संविधान

पारंपरिक भारत ही आज के भारत का उद्भव और स्रोत है। यही भारत के अस्तित्व की रीढ़ है। दार्शनिक स्तर पर यही उसकी आत्मा है। यदि अत्यधिक आधुनिकता से अंधे हो गए ‘आधुनिक’ भारतीय सभी परंपराओं को पिछड़ी बताकर खारिज नहीं करते और उनका असर महसूस करने से चूक नहीं...

Indian Civilisation and the Constitution

The traditional India is the origin and source of the India of today. At the existential level it is the backbone of India. In the philosophic plane it is verily its soul. It is visible in the every walk of life, unless the ‘modern’ Indian, blinded...

Nepal-Holds First Local Level Elections in 20 Years

Nepal appears jubilant at the success of the completion of the local level elections. The fervor seems to be nationwide primarily because elections were held after two decades. The country definitely views this as a landmark development in its...

Revision of Japanese Constitution: The Article 9 Dilemma

“Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes. In order to accomplish...

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