Gaza Conflict 2021: Why Now, Who Gains?

The guns have fallen silent, fighter aircrafts are back to their bases and the two sides, while counting their losses, are trying to hold onto their nerves as the latest conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip has come to a halt after...

International goodwill for India

At a time when India is confronted with unprecedented crisis situation due to the surging spread of the COVID-19 pandemic across the country, it augur well that the country is receiving bounties of goodwill from countries the world over to fight the...

US / NATO Withdrawal from Afghanistan and its Implications

The author had the opportunity to attend on 5 May 2021 a very engaging round table jointly hosted by the Vivekananda Foundation, New Delhi, and Hudson Institute, Washington DC on the imminent US/NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan and its impact on the...

Afghanistan Stares at an Uncertain Future

The American troops are withdrawing from Afghanistan without an agreed political system in place. After nearly 20 years of a democratic period, Afghanistan is at the risk of losing the gains it made in the last 20 years of a democratic system....

Understanding the Trends in Russia US Relations

Russia’s relations with the West are deteriorating rapidly. The rhetoric from the top leaders on both sides has been sharp and uncharitably harsh. They have expelled diplomats from each others’ countries. On 19th March, in a TV interview, President...

Climate Change Summit: India Should Invest in Climate Action but Resist Western Pressure

Coinciding with Earth Day, President Biden will be hosting a summit of world leaders to discuss climate change on 22-23nd April 2021. The purpose of the summit is to persuade the leaders to undertake ambitious goals to cut the greenhouse emissions...

ALL Roads Lead to Tehran

Overturning the Obama era JCPOA nuclear deal (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) in 2018, President Trump brought back the Iranian issue to centre stage of global and middle eastern politics. He firmly endorsed the Israeli and Saudi assessment...

Changing American Perspective on Quad from Trump to Biden

“Whoever commands the sea, commands the trade; whoever commands the trade of the world commands the riches of the world, and consequently the world itself.” -Sir Walter Raleigh, 17th Century It is still too early in the Biden Administration to make...

Japan-South Korea Entente Vital for Peaceful Indo-Pacific

The Indo-Pacific region has gradually assumed a centrality in the global strategic balance for peace and security. The stability and tranquility of the four decades after the conclusion of the Vietnam War is being challenged by an aggressive China...

The Leadership Summit will Consolidate the Quad

The historic leadership summit of the Quad counties held on 12th March 2021 was a milestone in the evolution of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue which was set up back in 2007 and revived in 2017. Hosted by US President Joe Biden, Indian Prime...

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