The developments that Central Asian Republics (CARs) have been dreading in recent weeks have begun to unfold. On August 15, 2021, the Taliban took over Kabul, which ultimately led to the collapse of the Afghan government headed by...
The Taliban victory in Afghanistan in the 90s had displaced Rabbani government from Kabul. It was a slow process; they could not establish control over the North, which remained under the control of the Northern Alliance. This time they have...
The narrative about the ‘peaceful Rise of China’ is ironic. China has border disputes with all its neighbours. Some of these issues have been addressed, while some still exist. For example, its border dispute with India is a critical issue affecting...
The sudden withdrawal of US forces on the night of 1st July 2021 from Bagram created a piquant situation not only for Afghanistan security forces but also for the entire world. While a withdrawal was always in the offing, with a deadline being...
The just concluded visit of the US Secretary of State Blinken to India merits keen scrutiny coming as it has on the cusps of regional developments in Afghanistan, global pandemic management, forthcoming meetings on the Indo Pacific and a host of...
(This article is Part 1 of two parts’ series; second part will be on the Taliban role and what to expect from them and what does one make of the chorus of voices one sees in favour of Taliban and why any such outreach will take us nowhere.)...
The foreign troops are leaving Afghanistan after twenty years of war. The US President surprised many by bringing forward the end of operation to August 31; he however, excluded nearly 650 troops for offering security for the US embassy in Kabul....
Pakistan remains mired in complexities and uncertainties. On the external front, Post US withdrawal from Afghanistan, what will be Pakistan's role in Afghanistan? How far it's own security will be affected in case of Taliban gaining the upper hand...
The author had the opportunity to attend on 5 May 2021 a very engaging round table jointly hosted by the Vivekananda Foundation, New Delhi, and Hudson Institute, Washington DC on the imminent US/NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan and its impact on the...
The American troops are withdrawing from Afghanistan without an agreed political system in place. After nearly 20 years of a democratic period, Afghanistan is at the risk of losing the gains it made in the last 20 years of a democratic system....