Sri Lanka
Neighbourhood News digest – 28 April 2023

Afghanistan U.N. urges Afghanistan's Taliban to reverse bans on women – The Hindu The U.N. Security Council unanimously approved a resolution on Thursday calling on Afghanistan’s Taliban rulers to swiftly reverse their increasingly harsh...

Neighbourhood News digest – 27 April 2023

Afghanistan UN agency: Afghanistan needs $4.62 billion in aid for 2023 - Yahoo Afghanistan needs $4.62 billion in humanitarian aid from the international community this year for nearly 24 million people in need, the U.N.'s humanitarian affairs...

Neighborhood News Digest – 26 April 2023

Afghanistan India invited to join regional group on Afghanistan: Lavrov Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said that India has been invited to join the core group of four countries neighbouring Afghanistan that say they seek to bring...

Neighborhood News Digest – 25 April 2023

Afghanistan Leaked document shows ISIS re-emergence in Afghanistan – News Nation ISIS is re-emerging in Afghanistan, and using the country as a safe haven to coordinate its terrorist activity. This was revealed because of reports that were included...

Neighborhood News Digest – 20 April 2023

Afghanistan US watchdog ‘cannot assure’ Afghanistan aid not going to Taliban - Aljazeera The head of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) has decried a lack of transparency from United States agencies that he said has...

Neighborhood News Digest – 19 April 2023

Afghanistan ‘Regular assistance’ for Afghanistan ‘on hold’, says ADB – The Hindu The Asian Development Bank (ADB) continues to “monitor” the situation in Afghanistan as it “maintains a hold” on the finances for infrastructure projects in the...

Neighborhood News Digest – 17 April 2023

Afghanistan China eyes Afghanistan's lithium reserves, offers to invest USD 10 billion – The Economic Times Taliban are simply not able to ensure security in places such as Kabul. The fact that ISKP has been increasingly able to mount major attacks...

Neighborhood News Digest – 17 April 2023

Bangladesh Bangladesh: India opens its 16th Visa application centre in Kushtia – News On AIR The High Commission of India opened its 16th Visa application centre in Kushtia town of Southwestern Bangladesh on Sunday. The inauguration of the new...

Neighborhood News Digest – 13 April 2023

Afghanistan China Spells Out Its Position on Afghanistan – Tolo News The embassy of China in Kabul shed light on 11 points that clarified the country’s position regarding Afghanistan. The point first, the embassy said in a statement, was that China...

Neighborhood News Digest – 10 April 2023

Afghanistan Russia to participate in foreign ministers meeting of countries neighbouring Afghanistan – The Print Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will head the Russian delegation at the fourth foreign ministers’ meeting of the neighbouring...

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