West Asia Round Up - October 2021

Abstract: Iran At G20 on October 30 the leaders of France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the US reiterated their commitment to ensure that Iran can never develop nuclear weapons stating "We expressed our determination to ensure that Iran can...

Sudan-South Sudan Rapprochement and Its Implications for the Region and Beyond

After a decade-long impasse, the borders between Sudan and South Sudan reopened on 1st October, 2021. With this first step of rapprochement, two countries can now slowly advance towards stabilizing the ties between them. On 12th September Sudanese...

All Eyes on the Horn of Africa and its Balancing Act

The 38th Summit of the Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD) held in late December 2020, has been a focus of attention. This is unusual for the organisation. The IGAD is headquartered in Djibouti and was formed in 1986. The IGAD was...

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, April 27, 2020

Economic IMF, WTO Urge Caution on Export Restrictions The International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization warned on April 24 that export restrictions on medical supplies and food "can be dangerously counterproductive" as countries...

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