The Curious Case of Huawei

China’s journey from being an agrarian economy to one of the largest economies with a strong military and cyber capabilities is commendable. However, its military and cyber capabilities are built upon relentless efforts to steal critical military...

De-classified US strategy document on the Indo-Pacific

Possible Motive United States de-classified a document titled ‘US Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific on 13th of January. The de-classified document consists of 10 pages and is likely to be only a part of the larger document. It is extremely...

2021: The Year Ahead for Japan

Although 2020 remained a challenging year for Japan due to the coronavirus pandemic, 2021 offers no alleviation from the existent troubles. The year started with a second month-long emergency, albeit a soft lockdown limited to the nation's capital...

Assessing Indo-Pacific in 2021: Indian Perspective

The year 2020 was a landmark event in and for the Indo-Pacific. The COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed the regional perception of China. Until then the challenge from China was known but it had yet to manifest itself in its entirety. The major...

Australia joining the Malabar exercises will strengthen the Quad

In a landmark decision, India has invited the Australian Navy to join the Malabar naval exercises 2020. India’s invitation comes on the heels of the Tokyo meeting of the foreign ministers of the Quadrilateral (Quad) grouping comprising of India, the...

The Quad: Is Security the Galvanizer?

The significance of the Quad Foreign Ministers meeting in Tokyo on 6 October 2020 lies in the fact that it happened in person despite the pandemic – last year the Quad foreign ministers had met on the margins of the UNGA. The level of this annual...

Will RCEP Miss India?

Vietnam has taken over from Thailand as the Chair of ASEAN in 2020. Its theme at its opening summit in June is ‘Cohesive and Responsive ASEAN’1. Thailand is the country coordinator for India and will be followed by Singapore from 2021 till 2024....

Interaction with H.E. Mr. Barry O’Farrell, High Commissioner of Australia to India

Vivekananda International Foundation hosted His Excellency, Mr. Barry O’Farrell for an interaction on India-Australia bilateral relations. Dr. Arvind Gupta, Director, VIF, Amb. Anil Wadhwa, Distinguished Fellow, VIF, Amb. Kanwal Sibal, former...

A Guide to India-Australia Relations

For the first time in India’s diplomatic history a summit was held on a virtual platform. On 4th June 2020 Prime Minister Narendra Modi discussed a range of issues with his Australian counterpart, Prime Minister Scott Morrison. This summit is...

The Virtual Summit between India and Australia: how Significant?

Connected by the Indian Ocean, Commonwealth, the English language and shared democratic values, Australia has never loomed larger in the Indian consciousness than in the last decade. The relationship has seen its highs and lows but here has been a...

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