China: Daily Scan, July 28, 2022

Xi stresses upholding socialism with Chinese characteristics to build modern socialist country: Xinhuanet July 27, 2022 President Xi Jinping has stressed holding high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics and striving to write a brand...

China: Daily Scan, July 27, 2022

Top political advisor stresses upholding 1992 Consensus, working toward reunification of motherland: Xinhuanet July 26, 2022 China's top political advisor Wang Yang on Tuesday stressed the importance of upholding the one-China principle and the 1992...

China: Daily Scan, July 25, 2022

China to expand cash-pooling program to integrate currency management: Xinhuanet July 22, 2022 China will expand cash-pooling services for multinational companies to integrate domestic and foreign currency management on a larger scale, the country's...

China: Daily Scan, July 21, 2022

What China will do to boost industrial resilience: Quishi July 20, 2022 China's industrial economy showed great resilience in the first half of the year amid complex situations at home and abroad. The value-added industrial output went up 3.4...

China: Daily Scan, July 20, 2022

China launches inspection of municipal, county-level law-based governance: Xinhuanet July 19, 2022 China on Tuesday launched an inspection of law-based governance at the municipal and county levels. The inspection will focus on law-based government...

China: Daily Scan, July 19, 2022

Chinese vice premier stresses innovation-driven development of Xinjiang: Xinhuanet July 18, 2022 Chinese Vice Premier Liu He on Monday called for efforts to boost industrial vitalization and innovation-driven development in northwest China's...

China: Daily Scan, July 18, 2022

Oppo said it will respond to tax evasion allegations from India: Global Times July 15, 2022 Chinese smartphone maker Oppo told the Global Times on Thursday that it was reviewing a response to a notice from India's Directorate of Revenue Intelligence...

China: Daily Scan, July 15, 2022

PLA’s attack helicopters start routine border patrols in high-altitude Karakoram: Global times July 14, 2022 The Chinese People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) attack helicopters started to join transport helicopters in routine border patrols in the high-...

China: Daily Scan, July 14, 2022

Adhering to the Chinese Socialist Approach to Rural Revitalization: Quishi July 12, 2022 In a keynote speech at the Central Rural Work Conference on December 28, 2020, President Xi Jinping addressed major theoretical and practical issues regarding...

China: Daily Scan, July 13, 2022

Xi encourages young people across the Taiwan Strait to strive for national rejuvenation: Xinhuanet July 12, 2022 Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, on Monday encouraged young people across the Taiwan...

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