Afghanistan at an Inflection Point

With stalled peace talks in Doha and raging violence in the country, Afghanistan is yet again at an inflection point. The critical question is: whether the Afghans and the international community will be able to find a sustainable and peaceful...

Commercial Aircraft Manufacturing Rivalry has begun

The last two years have seen the U.S-China rivalry ramping up, threatening to engulf the world in a new Cold War. The new Cold War would not be the same as before, based on ideology, but, who has better technology and is equipped to deal with global...

Visit of Czech Senate President to Taiwan

The visit of the Czech Senate president to Taiwan has drawn sharp comments from China. Mr. Milos Vystrcil in his address to the Taiwanese Parliament on 1st September declared ‘I am a Taiwanese’. The expression of empathy with the Taiwanese people...

Turkey’s stand-off with Greece and Cyprus in the Mediterranean

The EU Council issued a statement on 14th August reaffirming its ‘full solidarity with Greece and Cyprus’.1 The statement reiterated that ‘sovereign rights of EU member states must be respected’.2 It stressed that ‘Immediate de-escalation by Turkey...

White Mutiny or a Grey Revolution in Belarus -Only time will Tell

Who wants to give up power anyway? History of the long serving leaders abdicating before the time is ripe has rare entries even if the writing on the wall was rather clear. In last decade it has happened to several North African leaders as a...

EU’s Operation Irini Promotes a Poor Image of the EU

The European Union launched operation IRINI in the Mediterranean on 1st of April, 2020. The operation is officially called EUNAVFOR MED Irini where EUNAVFOR stands for European Union Naval Force and MED stands for the Mediterranean Sea. Irini...

The India - EU Summit: Implementation Remains the Key

The Strategic Partnership between India and EU was forged in 2004. The precursor to this partnership was a Joint Political Statement (1993) and a cooperation Agreement (1994)both of which laid the basis of this partnership. India and EU also agreed...

The EU -USA- China Contradiction: the Friends Turned Foes and Vice Versa

The European Union (EU) is today facing a major contradiction. Its traditional ally, the USA has in several ways turned its back on Europe and is entering into trade and defence related quarrels. China which is the EU’s ‘systemic rival’ is on the...

European Union’s post COVID-19 Trajectory- the Challenges Ahead

The European Union (EU) has faced a series of crises in the last decade which have tested its resilience as a supranational entity based on solidarity and common values. Since several of its internal issues remain unresolved, the EU would now have...

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, April 29, 2020

Medical Coronavirus: How do biosafety laboratories work? The biosafety laboratories are divided into four biosafety levels (BSL) or pathogen/protection levels. At the lowest level of biosafety, precautions may consist in regular hand-washing and...

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