artificial intelligence
COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, May 11, 2020

Medical Physicians report numbers of patients who are able to tolerate very low blood-oxygen levels Doctors have dubbed these patients “happy hypoxemics,” a reference to the paradox of abnormally low levels of oxygen found in their blood combined...

Experiments & Applications: S&T in Coronavirus Pandemic

Throughout the history of pandemics, technology has played its role in many ways in proliferating infectious diseases to a wider area. However, it’s the same science and technology (S&T) research and innovations that also provide a way out of...

Drone Swarms -a Growing Lethality…. Where is the World? Where are We?

The credit of using the unmanned platform for the first time goes to Austria, when in1849 it attacked the Italian city of Venice using unmanned balloons loaded with explosives1. Surely, the Austrian warriors could have never imagined that this...

Technology 2019: Another Year of Breakthroughs

Introduction The world is at the cusp of Fourth Industrial Revolution. 2019 has emphasised on the opportunities and growth from a sound digital economy. Technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, Internet of Things (IOT), Natural...

Interaction with the Delegation from Taiwan External Trade Development Council

A delegation from the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), Taiwan visited the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) on 20 September 2019. The delegation was led by Shih-Chung Liu, Vice-Chairman of TAITRA. Dr Arvind Gupta...

Artificial Intelligence, Communication and Big Data for Information War

The Issue The combination of two words information and war into a phrase Information War (IW) does not convey much if taken in isolation. The concepts and theories that have been built around it bring out the idea, components and strategies for...

Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Changing the Nature of War?

Introduction The professional military body differentiates between an objective nature and a subjective character of war by drawing upon Clausewitz. Nature of war describes what war is and character of war describes how it is actually fought. Nature...

Vimarsha: Talk on ‘Technology for Sustainable Development’, by Prof M Jagadesh Kumar, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF), New Delhi, hosted its monthly event, Vimarsha, On 8 August 2018, the topic being, ‘Technology for Sustainable Development’ and talk delivered by Professor M. Jagadesh Kumar, Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor of...

Commentary: Some Niche Areas in Unmanned Operations and Technologies and Equipment in Support

Propelled by their enabling combat virtues like all-weather all-terrain operability, comprehensive mission spectrum, long ranges, tremendous endurance, precision strike capability and weapon loads that will give a run for their money to the combat...

Commentary: First Ever Swarm Attack has Happened

'We knew this day was coming' – Anon Open sources are reporting that the Russian air base at Khmeimim and Tartus naval facility in West Syria have been struck on 05 Jan 18 by a SWARM of home-made drones. This is the first time that such a...

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