Does India Have A Plan ‘B’ (Balochistan)

Balochistan has, for some years now, become something of a buzzword in India to score some debating points over Pakistan. In the process, India has done great disservice to the Baloch who are waging a lonely battle against the might of the Pakistani...

Air Power: Ground Strike Capabilities must be Enhanced to Support Army Operations

Recently, in a rare public admission, Air Marshal B S Dhanoa, Vice Chief of Air Staff (VCAS), said while briefing the media recently on the eve of Exercise Iron Fist, a firepower demonstration of the Indian Air Force (IAF) that the “numbers are not...

Demilitarization of Siachen: A Seditious Proposal

Siachen is in the news again. Loss of ten precious Indian lives in the most unfortunate tragedy of 3rd February has reignited debate about the rationale of our military presence on the glacier. Pakistan High Commissioner was quick to recall the...

Image Challenge for The Indian Armed Forces: Take It by the Horns

At the outset, I must warn my readers that this is going to be more about the problem than the solution; that is because the problem itself needs a detailed definition before a solution can even be considered. The Indian Armed Forces and mainly the...

Steadfast in Siachen

After every tragedy in Siachen, it is almost laughably predictable to see a spate of articles and programs advocating a settlement (largely on Pakistani terms), if not an outright withdrawal, from the area. Most of these write-ups start with a...

Pakistan and The Saudi-Iran Face-Off

Pakistan’s diplomatic plate is full. The skill of its leadership and diplomats is being tested as they negotiate an unfolding regional situation. There are at least four key external issues that require immediate attention: to keep the Indo-Pak...

Maverick Pakistan : Army Leading It to Oblivion

The Pakistan Army continues to baffle. Known to be the power behind Pakistan’s foreign and security related policies its hold is also for the purpose of perpetuating its control over Pakistan’s polity and in fact almost every facet of existence of...

Events in Pathankot : A Breach Of Trust

Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Lahore was probably the last proverbial straw for the elements of the Deep State of Pakistan which is heavily opposed to any ideas of a peace process with India. The chain of events involving the NSA talks at Bangkok...

Forces won the Pathankot battle but failed to win the perception war

If there is one major lesson that the Modi government must learn from the controversy surrounding the Pathankot terror strike is this: get the perception management model right! In the age of social media dominance and 24-hour television channels,...

Interaction with Dr. Sudhir S. Bloeria on Jammu & Kashmir

The VIF hosted Dr. Sudhir S. Boleria, former Chief Secretary of Jammu and Kashmir and Vice Chancellor Central University of Jammu and Kashmir for a round table discussion on the situation in J&K and the way forward on 22 December 2015. Dr....

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