The Dismal State of Human Rights in Pakistan

Human Rights in Pakistan remain a vexed issue. The Pakistan state and its security agencies instead of protecting its people remains shamelessly in retreat and have habitually trampled on Human Rights in the name of security, religion and...

The Indus Water Treaty @ 60: Precariously Poised

The Indus Water Treaty (IWT) was signed by India and Pakistan in 1960 after nine years of tortuous negotiations, facilitated by the World Bank. Pakistan was extremely unhappy during the negotiations as it felt that the treaty was unfair to it....

National Security Planning

(The following is an updated version of talk delivered by Director, Vivekananda International Foundation, New Delhi to the National Defence College, New Delhi faculty and officers on 17 September 2020) India’s national security environment has...

Doha Talks: a Long Road Ahead

The al-Qaeda led-terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, impelled America to wage ‘global war on terror’. Consequently, the United States toppled the Taliban regime (1996-2001) in Afghanistan for giving sanctuary to the terrorist group, al-Qaeda. On...

Deconstructing China Pakistan Economic Corridor- Is it Viable?

Covid-19 crisis has compelled the world to re- envision its strategies of cooperation and contestation with China. International community has demanded an investigation of the origin of virus putting the spotlight firmly on China. However, these...

Pulwama Charge Sheet: Lessons for Future

On Aug 25, 2020, NIA (National Investigation Agency) filed the charge sheet in the Pulwama fidayeen attack in Jammu court, after 16 months of rigorous and intensive investigation (The Print, Aug. 25, 2020). NIA's charge sheet, a bulky document...

Pakistan Puts its Foot into its Mouth

Making a nuisance of yourself is a special art which only a few can master. This often happens when you are blinded by some misplaced priorities and others can see through your game. This is what happened when Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood...

Pakistan Foreign Minister Qureshi’s Visit to China

The recently concluded 2nd Round of China-Pakistan Foreign Ministers’ Strategic Dialogue has drawn considerable media attention. The Joint Press Statement issued has come a long way from the statement issued in November 2018, when Prime Minister...

Assessing India’s Abrogation of article 370, and Kashmir’s Journey Ahead

On August 5th, 2019, Modi government nullified the article 370 and scrapped article 35 A, the backbone of article 370. It was indeed a historic moment for India as article 370, in essence, had become a dead weight providing a robust protective...

Press Freedom under Siege in Pakistan

On July 22, 2020, Pakistani senior journalist Matiullah Jan, known for his critical views of the country’s judiciary and military, was abducted and later released by unidentified persons in Islamabad. The incident has once again focused a spotlight...

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