The Strategic Significance of Turkic Council for Eurasia

Introduction Recently Turkic Council held its Eighth Summit in Istanbul, Turkey. Some significant developments have taken place during this Summit. The name of the Turkic Council was changed to the Organization of Turkic States. Secondly,...

Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor, 30 August - 05 September 2021

Economic China’s Xi Jinping, Liu He move to reassure private sector as Beijing’s Big Tech crackdown rattles entrepreneurs On Sept 06, both Chinese President Xi Jinping and his top economic adviser, Vice-Premier Liu He, sent strong messages of...

West Asia Experts Group Meeting

The West Asia Experts Group Meeting was virtually held on 4 August 2021 by the Vivekananda International Foundation, the discussion was focussed on India-Turkey Relations; Turkey’s Foreign Policy and its Regional role. The key speakers in the...

Why are Central Asian Republics wooing Pakistan?

The emerging regional security threats post-US withdrawal from Afghanistan has led to an active engagement between Pakistan and Central Asian republics (CARs). The US and NATO forces were scheduled to be withdrawn from Afghanistan by 11 September...

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh: Geopolitical Implications

The geostrategic sensitive region of region of Nagorno-Karabakh lies at an intersection of political, ethnic and religious borders of Iran, Turkey, Russia and Georgia. On September 27, 2020 the war broke out with Azerbaijan launching an offensive...

Syrian Unrest: A Decade of Misery for Syrians

18th March 2021 marks the 10th anniversary of the commencement of unrest in Syria. The arrest and ill treatment of 15 schoolboys in Darra, a town on the border with Jordan led to about 3000 people holding a demonstration after Friday prayers,...

Joe Biden Presidency and West Asia

Join Amb. Anil Trigunayat and Hirak Jyoti Das unfold the current developments and upcoming trends in the West Asian region in light of the Joe Biden Presidency. Vivekananda International Foundation · Joe Biden Presidency and West Asia

Decoding the Turkey-Pakistan alliance

Over the years, Turkey-Pakistan relations have stood the precarious nature of global politics as well as the turbulence of their domestic politics. Since its creation in 1947, Pakistan has received uncritical support of Turkey irrespective of who is...

West Asia – 2020 in Retrospect

Year 2020 will go down in the history not only for the adverse impact of Covid-19 on global and regional economies, lower oil prices, budget deficits, health hazards but when the West Asia region nearly came to a catastrophic war between Iran and...

West Asia Round up – October 2020

ABSTRACT: Normalisation of ties by someArab countries with Israel after UAE and Bahrain continued as Sudan’s transitional government, despite internal opposition, established diplomatic relations at the behest of U.S. USA agreed to remove Sudan...

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