The Endgame: Captain America Versus Band of Bad Boys

In the last sequel of the Marvel series movie, “The Endgame”, Avengers including the idol leader Captain America- the symbol of freedom, justice and the “American Way”- fights the evils of the universe like Thanos, who plans to destroy the earth and...

Biden’s Exit Plan: US decides to Pullout Troops from Afghanistan by September 11, 2021

On April 13, 2021, US President Joe Biden announced the departure of American troops from Afghanistan by September 11 this year- a symbolic date, coinciding with the horrific terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in the New York City and...

Biden’s Afghanistan Dilemma: Withdraw or not to Withdraw Troops without a Peace Deal

February 2021 marked exactly one year since United States (US) and the Taliban signed “The Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan”, in a bid to end decades of war in the country. One of the key features of the agreement reached by the former US...

Double-Time Transition in South Asian Geopolitics!

The bygone year has been globally geopolitically transformative, with indications of catalysing into a new era. Many of the events are being propelled by the catastrophic pandemic with its birth epicentre at Wuhan, China. The Corona Virus is...

Can Biden Bring Peace to Afghanistan?

The Joseph Biden administration declared on 23rd January, 2021, within a few days of coming to power that it will reassess the agreement reached by Donald Trump with the Taliban in February 2020. It stated that the US proposed to review whether the...

Where do the Afghanistan-Taliban Peace Talks Stand?

Nearly two decades after the US-led military intervention in October 2001 toppled the Taliban, Washington was compelled to sign a ‘peace agreement’ with its nemesis. One of the most critical aspects of the agreement was to get the Afghan government...

Pakistan: The Relentless Killings of the Hazaras<sup>1</sup>

The cold-blooded killing of 11 Shia Hazara miners in Geshtari area of Machh, Balochistan on 03 January 2021 by the Islamic State (IS) refocused attention on the brutal persecution of minorities in Pakistan in recent decades. However, even among the...

Afghanistan: What Lies Ahead in 2021?

After a violence-ridden 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Afghanistan is looking ahead at a more turbulent new year as the United States plans for a full troop withdrawal from the country by May 2021. The intra-Afghan dialogue that began in Doha in...

Afghanistan at an Inflection Point

With stalled peace talks in Doha and raging violence in the country, Afghanistan is yet again at an inflection point. The critical question is: whether the Afghans and the international community will be able to find a sustainable and peaceful...

China’s Expanding role in Afghanistan

As the United States plans to confront China in regions such as Indo-Pacific, it ingenuously is paving the way for Beijing’s rising influence at the heart of the Eurasian continent, i.e. Afghanistan. China’s primary aim in Afghanistan is to ensure...

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