US-China Tech Rivalry: Pentagon Report on China’s Emerging Technology Strategy

On 29 November 2022, the US Department of Defence released the 2022 annual report on “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China” in which “China’s drive to dominate emerging technologies” figure prominently. Though...

Inapt ‘Perceptions’ and Elusive ‘Peace and Tranquillity’

Dai Bingguo, then State Councillor, Director of the General Offices of Foreign Affairs and the National Security Group of the CCP’s Central Committee and Special Representative (SR) for boundary negotiations with India from 2003 to 2013 had stated...

PLA after 20th Party Congress: “Combat Readiness to Fight and Win Wars’’

The much awaited Chinese 20th National Party Congress (NPC) is behind us, and the National Peoples’ Congress is about four months away. The Work Report by President Xi Jinping has been analysed ad infintum. President Xi Jinping has said that China’s...

Assessment of China’s 20th Party Congress

Presenting the Work Report titled ‘Hold High the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Strive in Unity to Build a Modern Socialist Country in all Respects’, at the opening session of the 20th Party Congress on October 16, 2022,...

China: Daily Scan, October 20, 2022

China's State Council appoints, removes officials: Xinhuanet October 19, 2022 The State Council, China's cabinet, on Wednesday announced the appointment and removal of officials. Tang Wenhong was appointed deputy head of the China International...

China: Daily Scan, October 17, 2022

Agricultural reform powers China's rise: People’s Daily October 16, 2022 China's economic transformation from a largely rural society to a predominantly prosperous one has been faster than any other in the world thanks to national efforts to...

China: Daily Scan, October 11, 2022

China suspends oil price adjustment: Xinhuanet October 10, 2022 China's top economic planner said Monday that it would keep domestic gasoline and diesel prices unchanged due to the volatility of international oil prices. The international oil price...

China: Daily Scan, October 10, 2022

China’s internet watchdog vows another crackdown against Covid-19 rumours amid anger over pandemic policies: South China Morning Post October 6, 2022 China’s top internet regulator has pledged to keep cracking down on misinformation and rumours...

Tensions in Taiwan Strait must not be Allowed to Develop into a Regional/Global Crisis – Part II

In the context of understanding the developments in the Taiwan Strait, two aspects need to be highlighted as a spillover of Taiwan-China spat: fresh US arms sales to Taiwan and increase in defence expenditure of Taiwan by almost 14 per cent. First:...

Next Step in Disengagement in Eastern Ladakh and Contemplating Larger Implications

On 8th September 2022, 50 days after the 16th Round of China-India Corps Commander Level Meeting at Chushul-Moldo in Eastern Ladakh, consensus was reached on disengagement of the Chinese and Indian troops in the area of Jianan La (Daban) also...

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