Neighborhood News Digest – 09 February 2023

Afghanistan Regional Security Officials Meet in Moscow, Discuss Afghanistan – Tolo News The fifth multilateral meeting of security envoys was held on Wednesday in Moscow, during which they discussed the situation in Afghanistan and in the region....

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest - January 02, 2023

Afghanistan Blast Outside Military Airport in Kabul; Casualties Reported: Tolo News A blast took place on Sunday morning near the gate of the military airport in Kabul, a spokesman for the Ministry of Interior said. MoI spokesman Abdul Nafay Takoor...

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest- October 10, 2022

Afghanistan Intelligence Head Wasiq Meets Deputy CIA Head in Doha: Source: Tolo News A source from the Islamic Emirate confirmed that a delegation of the Islamic Emirate met with US officials in Doha on Saturday. The source said they discussed the...

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