Saudi Arabia
Elections in Iraq- Uncomfortable Outcome

Democracy’s downside is the prevailing dissatisfaction among those who lose an election. But then they have a hope that next time round they have a chance. Democracy is a state of mind, and the mindsets do take time to change. But democratic...

West Asia Round Up - October 2021

Abstract: Iran At G20 on October 30 the leaders of France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the US reiterated their commitment to ensure that Iran can never develop nuclear weapons stating "We expressed our determination to ensure that Iran can...

Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor, 30 August - 05 September 2021

Economic China’s Xi Jinping, Liu He move to reassure private sector as Beijing’s Big Tech crackdown rattles entrepreneurs On Sept 06, both Chinese President Xi Jinping and his top economic adviser, Vice-Premier Liu He, sent strong messages of...

The Divergences in the Gulf Have Their Own Dynamic

West Asia has an unusual knack of keeping the watchers and analysts on feet most of the times. On the one hand ongoing conflicts and hotspots in Yemen, Libya, Syria and Iraq keep one frustrated. And on the other simmering cinders of the Arab Spring...

Jordan’s Royal Challenge

Palace Intrigues are an integral part of the Royalty and history is replete with it. One hundered years old Hashemite Kingdom is no exception. Discontentment, embedded ambitions, unsolicited external interests, and interference add to the spice...

ALL Roads Lead to Tehran

Overturning the Obama era JCPOA nuclear deal (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) in 2018, President Trump brought back the Iranian issue to centre stage of global and middle eastern politics. He firmly endorsed the Israeli and Saudi assessment...

Saudi Arabia Announces Cease Fire in Yemen- Will it hold This Time?

On 22 March 2021, Saudi Arabia announced a ceasefire in the ongoing conflict in Yemen. Announcing the peace initiative, the Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan urged the Iran-backed Houthi militia to join the initiative and said, “We...

West Asia – 2020 in Retrospect

Year 2020 will go down in the history not only for the adverse impact of Covid-19 on global and regional economies, lower oil prices, budget deficits, health hazards but when the West Asia region nearly came to a catastrophic war between Iran and...

West Asia Review - November 2020

ABSTRACT: Even though sunset on Trump Presidency has begun the Middle East continued to engage his attention. His Secretary of State Pompeo visited the region especially Turkey, UAE, Saudi Arabia , Qatar and Israel to follow through the partially...

West Asia Round up – October 2020

ABSTRACT: Normalisation of ties by someArab countries with Israel after UAE and Bahrain continued as Sudan’s transitional government, despite internal opposition, established diplomatic relations at the behest of U.S. USA agreed to remove Sudan...

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