The penetration of the influence of the Islamic State (IS) on the American soil has increasingly become visible over the past few months. That a few (even microscopic minority) citizens are supporting this terror group is evidence that a country,...
It is rare to see the international community coming together on any issue which threatens the collective security of the world at large. When Daesh emerged as the freshest scourge everyone knew that it was flush with funds looted from the Mosul...
Vivekananda International Foundation in collaboration with the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) of the University of Maryland, US Embassy and Facebook organised on November 17-18, 2015, a two-day...
The Deputy Foreign Minister of Afghanistan H.E. Hekmat Karzai, as part of his recent visit to India, held a broad ranging interaction with members of the VIF faculty on 19 November 2015. The interaction spanned across a range of complex bilateral...
On 19 November 2015, H.E. Martin Ney, Germany’s Ambassador to India, held an interaction with members of the VIF faculty on a broad range of issues, including, among others, the shifting strands in the present world order, the challenge of ISIS-...
The brutal serial attack in Paris resulting in death of 129 civilians besides injuring scores of others should not come as a surprise to anyone. The possibility of such a well-executed attack on in Europe have been doing the rounds ever since the...
As I sit before the television I see events hurtling across West Asia at a speed faster than can be discerned. I follow events almost minute to minute but find it difficult to make strategic sense out of many of them. It’s why I pity the layman...
India and the ISIS
It is undeniable that the influence of the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) is not seeped into the Indian society even though it has not staged any attack inside the country. Ever since this outfit announced its caliphate...
On 30 Jul 2015, General Bikram Singh, former Chief of Indian Army & Chairman Chiefs of Staff, delivered an incisive talk, titled as ‘National Security Challenges of the Next Decade’, to a large audience, comprising academia, intelligentsia,...
On 24 March 2015, Ambassador Mark Sofer, Deputy Director General for Asia & Pacific Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israel, accompanied by the present Ambassador Daniel Carmon, visited the VIF for a talk on Israel’s approach to India,...