पृष्ठभूमि मध्य एशिया में चीन के अपने कई स्वार्थ हैं। पहला तो यही कि उसे अपने उत्तर-पश्चिमी क्�
पृष्ठभूमि मध्य एशिया में चीन के अपने कई स्वार्थ हैं। पहला तो यही कि उसे अपने उत्तर-पश्चिमी क्�
Introduction China's relation with its Central Asian neighbours has been complicated. Even though Beijing maintains good relations with most Central Asian governments, rising anti-Chinese sentiments among the local populace have proved challenging
Background Chinese interest in Central Asia is multifold. Firstly to secure its northwestern region of Xinjiang, which shares a direct border with three Central Asian countries; Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. Xinjiang is home to Uyghurs,
Introduction Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, China has shown increasing irredentist tendencies. From the South China Sea to its South and Central Asian neighbours, Chinese territorial encroachment has created fissures in bilateral
Introduction Kazakhstan has again become the victim of China’s sensationalist and maligned propaganda at the time when it is grappling with the rising number of COVID-19 cases in the country. On July 9, Chinese Embassy in Kazakhstan issued a state
परिचय ‘प्रवासी’ शब्द का मतलब अक्सर ऐसा व्यक्ति मान लिया जाता है, जो अनचाहा बोझ होता है और देश क�
Background China has invested in energy, infrastructure, transportation, railways and roads, communications etc. in Central Asia. Recently, Chinese Huawei has signed around one billion deal with Uzbekistan for digitalization of the country.1 This
Despite being surrounded by the countries with positive cases of coronavirus, the Tajik Government had consistently denied the existence of the virus until April 30 when 15 cases were reported. This announcement was made when the World Health Organiz
परिचय कजाकस्तान के विदेश मंत्रालय ने 14 अप्रैल 2020 के चीन के राजदूत झांग श्याओ को तलब किया और एक प�
1. Introduction The term 'migrant' is often stereotyped as a person who is an undesirable burden and their economic contribution to national economies is seldom measured. The correlation between migration and remittances can be understood as a res