Events in Pathankot : A Breach Of Trust

Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Lahore was probably the last proverbial straw for the elements of the Deep State of Pakistan which is heavily opposed to any ideas of a peace process with India. The chain of events involving the NSA talks at Bangkok

Prime Minister Modi in Russia: An upturn Inevitable

In 1986 the Army’s Staff College at Wellington, Nilgiris gave me my first recognition in professional writing by awarding me the Lentaigne Memorial Medal (named on the first Commandant, a legendary British officer) for best dissertational analysis

An UN Resolution on Syria : About Time

It is rare to see the international community coming together on any issue which threatens the collective security of the world at large. When Daesh emerged as the freshest scourge everyone knew that it was flush with funds looted from the Mosul trea

Making It Happen: The Impediments In the way of Indo Pak peace process

For a change it’s good that there isn’t too much euphoria over the announcement of the Comprehensive Bilateral Dialogue between India and Pakistan during the recent visit of Mrs Sushma Swaraj, India’s External Affairs Minister, to Islamabad. M

What to expect from Heart of Asia Conference

Few people are aware why Foreign Minister (FM) Sushma Swaraj is likely to be going to Islamabad on 9 Dec 2015. Indeed it’s a follow up to the Prime Minister’sbrief chat with Nawaz Sharif, the Pakistan Prime Minister during the Climate Conference

Europe must brace for more attacks

The tragedy in Paris is most regrettable; loss of more than 160 innocent lives at the hand of extremist elements anywhere is despicable. Yet, the message coming out from this attack is that the world is nowhere near any guarantee of safety and securi

Russia in Syria : The Why & What Next

As I sit before the television I see events hurtling across West Asia at a speed faster than can be discerned. I follow events almost minute to minute but find it difficult to make strategic sense out of many of them. It’s why I pity the layman obs

The current LoC narrative and India’s response

In conventional warfare command decisions are based on a range of options, the escalation matrix is well understood and risk is quite easily calculated on the basis of resources, surprise and leadership. However, in irregular warfare the challenge of

Banning the Strategic Assets: What Pakistan’s Action against the Haqqanis and Jamaat Ud Dawa Means

The media is alive with reports of a potential ban on the Haqqani network and the Jamatud Dawaby the Pakistan authorities and last reports say that it has been put into effect. Similar bans on JuD, a clone of the Markaazul-Dawa-e-Ershad, the LeT’s

Security Trends in Jammu and Kashmir: A Year of Uncertainty Awaits

The current scenario in Jammu & Kashmir is drawing attention towards some ongoing imperatives. First, the assembly election results are a reflection of uncertainty on the political front with clear dividing lines between the Valley and Jammu region ;

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