For a few days now, a report in the Pakistan daily Dawn has caused considerable interest, and in some cases even excitement, among Pakistan watchers, not just in India but also in other parts of the world. The report talks of the civilian government
For a few days now, a report in the Pakistan daily Dawn has caused considerable interest, and in some cases even excitement, among Pakistan watchers, not just in India but also in other parts of the world. The report talks of the civilian government
तकरीबन चौथाई सदी से यानी 1989-90 में जब से आतंकवाद ने जम्मू-कश्मीर को जकड़ा है तभी से भारत ने अपने खिला
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s visit to New Delhi came at a crucial time and could well have set in motion the trajectory of how Indo-Afghan relations will pan out in the foreseeable future. That the Indo-Afghan relations have acquired a new salie
For nearly quarter of a century now, that is ever since terrorism enveloped the state of Jammu and Kashmir around 1989-90, India has downplayed the Pakistan’s diplomatic propaganda campaign against it. Except for pro forma rebuttals in the UN to Pa
अफगानिस्तान के राष्ट्रपति अशरफ गनी ने पाकिस्तान को आतंकियों का पनाहगार देश बताते हुए कहा है कि
चीन हमेशा से भारत के लिए समस्या रहा है। ऐसा इसीलिए भी है क्योंकि चीनी स्वयं तो अबूझ हैं और दिए जा
China has always been something of a conundrum for India. This is partly because the Chinese are somewhat inscrutable and often enough their interlocutors can spend hours in trying to decipher the underlying message or hint or signal that is being co
पाकिस्तानी प्रधानमंत्री के विदेशी मामलों के सलाहकार सरताज अजीज ने पिछले दिनों एक साक्षात्क
In a recent interview Advisor to the Prime Minister of Pakistan on Foreign Affairs, Sartaj Aziz, levelled a preposterous charge that India was using terrorism as an excuse for not talking to Pakistan. He also claimed, rather disingenuously, that Paki
यद्यपि अभी तक इस बात की पुष्टि नहीं हुई है, अमेरिकी अधिकारियों ने काफी विश्वास के साथ दावा किया �