VIF Briefs
African Continental Free Trade Area to Boost the Continent’s Economy

“… political will of African governments must be backed by efforts to materialise what nations have agreed upon … there is a dire need to effectively implement the agreement under the guidance of good leadership in order to ensure that the...

Troubled Times for China Technology - The Huawei Imbroglio

… push for 5G is commendable, but unless there is an overhaul of R&D in India, the security dilemma will always persist. With China’s orientation towards creating future technologies, the risks will not just persist on India’s borders but in...

5G, Huawei and India

… 5G and Huawei is not a technical issue, it is a complex strategic issue. Huawei is already inside India’s backbone network. Its network equipment are part of India’s armed forces’ classified networks. But by banning Huawei India’s security...

An assessment of the Second Plenum of China’s 13th National People’s Congress

.. convened in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing in the first fortnight of March 2019, the annual plenary sessions set the agenda for the year ahead and accorded formal approval of the entire 89 million-strong Chinese Communist Party to the...

Jammu and Kashmir Security Review 2018 -What lies ahead?

… continuing Pakistani support to the militants groups, terrorism in the Kashmir Valley is unlikely vanish anytime soon … however the support system to anti-India activities in the Valley is being continuously degraded … welfare and developmental...

Is Colonisation of Space Imminent?

… India, with its well-developed space programme, must claim her rightful place and plan for space exploration, space station … by involvement of the private sector and co-operation with like-minded nations like Japan and Israel … (She should)...

Internal Security Budget 2019-20: Ad-hocism to Systematic Coherence

... ensuring peace, safety and security of its people and properties and upholding the rule of law is one of the most important responsibilities of the state ... this makes internal security a complex phenomenon in India’s comprehensive national...

India-Tajikistan Relations: The Security Factor

India and Tajikistan share great historical and cultural relations. Tajikistan was a part of Kushana and Persian Empires which had close cultural linkages with the Indian subcontinent. During the Islamic rule in India, Persian language and Sufism...

Pakistan’s Nuclear and Missile Programme: An Assessment


The closest formulation of Pakistan’s Nuclear Security doctrine, if any, was enunciated in an article appearing in The News, in October 1999, written by former Foreign Minister Agha Shahi, former Foreign Secretary Abdus...

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